Heavyweight Champion was already hard at 4. Why is it 6 now?

I thought I managed to get the lucky spawn earlier only to check the penance and now its at 6 ogryn knocked down. Do you just expect players to go into damnation, check the the first spawn, and restart everytime they dont see it?


Wait, seriously? Did they really bump it from 4 to 6??

I’ve honestly never even seen more than 4-5 ogryns in one room, even on Damnation lmao.

Totally agree. Getting 4 ogryns in the same place, even in Heresy/Damnation with bigger hordes, was already just a matter of luck, 6 is utterly impossible without spamming missions and see what’s in the first room. For hours on end. Because it sure as hell won’t happen naturally.

I really don’t get why you made most of the class penances easier - end then do that to one of the most mind-numbingly annoying ones.


after 20 Damnation games(I’ve counted) I’m yet to see a cluster of 6 ogryns, especially 6 where at least 1 doesn’t get deleted in the first 2 seconds and 2 or 3 aren’t in the background with their heavy stubbers. It was a penance that I didn’t manage to do because I was under level 30 while playing in preorderbeta so I couldn’t take the talent that lets you go through ogryns, 4 at the same time seemed reasonable, 6 is just absurd. Most ogryn penances are like that unfortunately

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After my first completed Damnation Investigation run which i got my run over 70 enemies on Malice challenge, the pack i had that netted me that penance challenge also contained 4 Bulwark/Crusher Ogryns and i felt heartbroken that i finally had the opportunity to complete that frustratingly RNG and Coordination heavy challenge completed only to remember that it was made harder with 2 more Ogryns in its criteria…

Then just recently I went trough a Assassination with the prison mission and low and behold we got a swarm in the sewers that drew in 5 Ogryns this time, 3 Bulwarks and 2 Crushers. We were fortunate that there were next to no specials in the way besides the houndreds of groaners that made movement difficult but despite having to get the Ogryns aligned so they all could be run over and bull rush them several times in belief that they were 6 (3 Bulwark/Crushers each), but it was never completed…

It feels so incredibly robbed that it needs to be way harder then what it needs to be and unlike ANY other Heresy tier challenge this one challenge has to heavily rely on Spawn RNG. Even with high frequency engagement swarms tend to only offer 3-4 ogryns in each of their packs and you aren’t always guaranteed to find any extra bulwarks or crushers who’d be willing to be rounded up and run over by the penance hunting Ogryns in your team, especially when the Player Ogryns have to deal with session joining randoms and bots who instinctively attacks the largest thing they see instead of the scrawny sniper or trapper that just spawned in, Please restore this challenge back to its Run over 4 Ogryns criteria and if possible please retroactively reward players that managed to Bullrush trough 4-5 Ogryns with this frustratingly harder then it should be Penance…

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After 8hrs of full Ogryn-group on high intensity Tier 5, i give up.
5 was max but it killed all fun playing any longer Darktide.

i give up

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I somehow managed to do it in the end, but I had to put my 3 friends through tons of failed shepherding attempts and damnation missions until RNG gods finally blessed us and spawned like 7 melee Ogryns after the bridge in Chasm Terminus. And my team still had to suicide first to make sure the rest of Ogryns will aggro at me.

Yeah, no.
Without friends, this is completely impossible in public games, let alone “organically” and even then you are at the mercy of RNG, hoping the stars align and you get a melee Ogryn squad (because Reapers keep randomly running away and friendly firing your herded Ogryns).

It wasn’t fun for me or my friends either, and we felt absolutely exhausted at the end and had enough of the game for the day.

Change it back to 4, Fatshark. Please.


1001 missions later

got it.

now i can life again… oooof

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I finally got it in mid January as well, though it was more of a random encounter behind the elevator shaft in the Hablevel (Investigation) on Damnation, the moment i jumped down to the lower elevator floor we not only had a Beast of Nurgle spawn a few floors above but we suddenly had 6 bullwark/crushers that ran their way down our only way up, to give our team more room to gun them down before the Beast crawled its way to us i charged into the stairwell where the ogryns ran down from and suddenly i got it and stepped away from them before the Beast had arrived at our floor.

With so many active attempts to obtain it on purpose and then suddenly get it when i wasn’t directly aiming for it very demoralizin because of the extreme luck required to pull it off, and i guess i also felt relieved that i didn’t have to lock myself down to a specific lvl 30 feat anymore, even though the most enjoyable part of Unstoppable was the extra charge range it provided.

For the sake of consistency i still firmly believe that this Penance needs to be restored to its 4 Ogryn requirement, the middle ground would be 5 but i preferably want it to be more reasonable to accomplish for Solo Ogryns, at the very least introduce a new special condition that increases the amount of Ogryns spawned in groups if were going to keep it at 6…

I’ve still never seen 6 ogryns in one room

I normally play damnation, high intensity when available. Its a rare occurency to get 6 at the same time but it happens in some areas on some maps. To get this penance we hopped into a heresy and started collecting bulwarks and crushers, and killing everything else, as 3 ogryns (1 with shield) and 1 sharpshooter. After about 30% of the map we collected 6 ogryn enemies and all 3 of us got the penance. Took about 15 min in total, ez.

I had a group of 8 which it could be done with in one game. I wasn’t playing ogryn, I was on my veteran, but we had an ogryn on the team. I felt so so awfully bad because they were coming out a train carriage on consignment yard and I headshot the first 3 of them (with other vet shooting them too) as they came out the carriage before realising there were 8 in there. If I realised I would’ve avoided shooting them so the ogryn player could’ve gotten the penance as they would’ve all been close enough together.

It’s actually a ridiculous penance, because even being aware of it, in the heat of the battle I literally destroyed that player’s one and only chance of completing that penance by mistake. They didn’t ask, and maybe they’re not bothered but still, I felt so bad.


Getting 6 ogryn in 1 area is very very rare, that’s not the point. Getting 4+2 or 3+3 in 2-3 adjacent areas is very common, you have to do a bit of herding.

You can do it solo, I did as have others.
4 or 5 would be the most trivial penance next to the zealot self heal one.

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PLEASE just change it back to 4 or just to 5 Fatshark; 6 is impossible to re-create in an organic gameplay environment