Heavy Stubber Feels Terrible To Shoot With (Not damage or dps)


So I’ll get right to it - the heavy stubber feels bad to shoot and takes too long to draw.

  • Takes too long to draw. In the time it takes to draw the heavy stubber, I can draw and fire the twin linked stubber to suppress whatever I’m aiming at, and kill it before the heavy stubber would have been drawn and fired the necessary shots, even at long range. Especially important against 2-3 snipers in a shock troop gauntlet map.
  • Recoil feels bad. Instead of doing recoil like every single other fps on the planet, by making the reticle move the screen when you fire, for some reason the reticle moves independent of your view, making it unnecessarily convoluted to control or predict and time the next shot unless your target is standing dead still at a close range, and this issue is only compounded by using the mkii.
  • The point of the heavy stubber is to be more accurate than the twin linked, and these problems completely negate that objective. Instead of fighting enemies, it feels like fighting the mechanics of the gun to get it to shoot straight.

It would be a far more fun gun to play with were it possible to actually use it to pick off specials and disablers. As it currently stands by the time you actually get the gun out you might as well have not bothered, and simultaneously you’re overrun in melee. It doesn’t just feel bad to use, it cripples the gun’s effectiveness too.


Maybe the new 20% weapon swap speed talent will help.

Somebody get this guy a Helbore :skull:


Are you comparing the Achlys Heavy Stubber with the Achlys Twin-linked Heavy Stubber?

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Bogarting the elitism AND sadism I see; I hope a tourist steals your mangy wombat, you monster.



Such kind words. I am much obliged to you.

giphy (4)

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I volunteer for operation grand theft wombat sah! Wonder if I can eat it…


What have you done?