"Havoc" gamemode poll on Lights Out, Ventilation Purge and Tox Gas

(TL:DR scroll down for the poll)
Since this gamemode isnt out yet i think the sooner people start talking about it the higher the chance we have to change it before it solidifies so to speak.

From what i’ve read and what i understand from it, you will be given a random modifier/condition in your havoc thing every week and said modifiers will not change until the week is passed.
Meaning if you end up with lights out/vent purge/pox gas on monday then you will be stuck with it for 6 whole days before you get a new one.

Unlike other conditions/modifiers, the environment ones are less difficult and more restrictive, obnoxious/irritating or just boring.
Now i dont think i need to say anything more about the 3 modifiers as it was already discussed to death and everyone has a solid opinion on them so i’ll just get to the point :

Do you want any of the environment conditions to be removed from the pool? or do you want all of them to stay.
(If you want them all to stay then REMEMBER! If they show up for you, you will be stuck with them for up to 6 straight days. And then on monday there’s still a chance it will show up again… And again… And again…
you could have lights out on first monday, then next week pox gas and next week vent purge)

Multiple choices are enabled, you can select only 1, 2 or all 3 of them to be removed.

  • Remove “Lights out” from the “havoc” condition/modifier pool
  • Keep “Lights out” in the “havoc” condition/modifier pool if we are given body flashlights (aka dont need specific weapons)
  • Remove “Pox gas” from the “havoc” condition/modifier pool
  • Remove “Ventilation purge” from the “havoc” condition/modifier pool
  • Do not remove any of the above conditions/modifiers
0 voters
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I enjoy those modifiers for the gameplay variety they bring, and they ARE weighed lower and appear more rarely on the current mission board so they don’t get overbearing. Assuming it’ll work the same on this new Havoc thing, I don’t personally see it as an issue at all.

I really like Lights Out and Ventilation Purge. I liked them even more before devs buffed elite/special spawn rates, these two modifiers felt very immersive and unique, because you didn’t just get squads of elites all the time, just like on any other modifier. They had slower gameplay than high intensity, but it was fun in its own way. Previously it was a “slow burn horror”, now it’s “high intensity, but you can’t see sht”.

Tox Gas is pretty harsh, I don’t know if I like it or not. I know that since they introduced penances, it’s the only modifier I’m at 20/50, while I’ve already completed others. In theory it’s decent, but on auric the game just forces you to fight in the gas all the time without a chance to reposition.

You enter a new area, try to move out the gas, and then you’re attacked by the horde and dozens specials right in the middle of the cloud. So you have to finish fighting them, staying inside gas cloud… I guess I’m not against playing it, I just don’t enjoy it as much.

I voted for the removal of pox gas, everything else I’m fine with.

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I would be ok with hi shock, monster specials with moebian 21st chaff.

But still, they need to address some of the balancing issues otherwise i fear the OP builds will only further outshine the weaker ones in this mode.

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I voted keep only because I still need to experience exactly how it works first hand. Pretty sure I understood based on the blog post, but still would rather see it.

Lights Out can be thematically interesting, but I don’t think it fits well in a challenge mode. Vent Purge strains my eyes, and both Vent Purge and Tox Gas are more annoying than they are interesting or challenging.


Played Lights Out a few times in solo mode mod and it’s stealth central, so if Havoc has anything that makes the game more solo friendly it should be a blast. Maybe the rest of the community will start to appreciate the darkness and the advantage it gives.

I overwhelmingly just play hi-shocktrooper auric and the auric monstrosity maelstrom.

The modifiers like gas and lights out I rarely choose simply because they aren’t as hard as these other two. Maybe I would want to play them if they were actually hard? dunno.

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Fracturing an already small playerbase sounds like a terrible idea to me. Also, none of the conditions are hard by themselves.
However, they obviously haven’t described the whole idea in great detail, if all enemies would have 50% more HP and your damage is decreased by 20% - that would make it hard, but i feel like it would be hard for hard’s sake.

And who the hell wants a ranked mode in a PvE game with no anti-cheat anyway?

I have to wonder how they’re going to count failed attempts, too. Is it going to work like Auric Storm Survivor worked, and only count once you officially lose? Disconnects receive no punishment, therefore infinite attempts for those who bother to alt+f4?

Please make a separate thread if you want to talk about havoc in general.
Try to keep this one about the 3 conditions in the title only.

fog and lights out give a nice creepy atmosphere, but pox gas is annoying.

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