After beating a normal maelstrom mission i open up the havoc excited-ish what my baseline mutations will be and what do i find?
Ventilation purge. F%@$ing lovely, the 1 modifier i hate the most in the entire game that i avoid like a plague. And now im stuck with it for the entire week.
Alright then, lets open up the awesome new party finder (sarcasm) and see what other choices i have.
Only 3 havoc (i assume at least, because the bloody thing that the party finder was literally created for (supposedly) doesnt have a freaking “havoc” tag…)
And the only 3 games that i see all have “pox gas” as one of the modifiers, the other amazing modifier everyone loves…
And speaking of the party finder, it severely needs to be properly rebuilt. Here are the list of ESSENSIAL things that its missing :
- Proper tags - not “ADVENTURE” but proper words which meanings are immediately known such as - “havoc” “normal mission” “auric yes/no” “maelstrom” “special missions”
Which mission type is being played “disruption”, “raid”, “operations”, “assassination” etc etc - Who is being looked for : which class (psyker, vet etc) which build (anti-ranged, melee focused, support etc etc)
- Way to write a description
As it stands now, both havoc and the party finder are simply stressful to interact with.
I play darktide for fun and stress relief. If something in the game causes the stress and is ruining the fun, then it is not a good game design.
Anyway going back to my original point :
Let us blacklist a modifier 2-3 times per week so that we all can have fun with our own thing as the protagonist instead of being a side character in someone else story.
So that we can actually have fun with the game instead of getting frustrated being forced to eat what was served.
This is what it feels like right now :
“here’s this, this and this, dont like it? Then F#@k off”
We can tell Melk to f%$k off with a terrible contract for a small fee. Why not ducane?
By the time i get a new set of modifiers, Path of Exile 2 will come out. I was hoping i’d get to play the havoc for the whole week while i wait for it. But i guess that’s not going to happen.