Havoc 40 and Ogryns

After fighting the hardest enemy in the game, the Party Finder. I was successful in finding games that other people hosted to get me to the highest havoc level. During my time to 40 I encountered alot of negativity about Ogryns in havoc in general.

And while there are alot of things that makes it so you can no longer play Ogryn like you used to. There are a few things that you need to be aware of while playing as Ogryn in high level havocs.

  • You can no longer dive shooters or gunners in large open areas (which everyone already knows). But you can still dive, either when Zealots engage the enemies first, uses chorus to give you an opening to advance deep into the enemy ranks or when psykers does really aggressive dome placements. And of course if the ranged enemies are in a enclosed space or you have a place to “land” after a charge it can pay off to play aggressively aswell. Also, slide and dodge like your life depends on it…because it does.
  • Know your role! The best result I found was going Pickaxe and Heavy Hitter, Ogryns mixed melee horde clear is awesome for no ammo cost and still being a somewhat big and bulky bodyguard, your main goal is to keep the psyker alive. Go out and murder ranged mobs if you like, but never forget to keep an eye out on your friendly psyker and keep a med stimm handy.
  • Ammo is not for you anymore, except to odd pack that no-one wants even after you’ve pinged it a few times or your share of a ammo crate. No ranged weapon that you have is going to come close to the effect that Zealot and Veteran ranged weaponry brings, speaking of ranged weaponry…use RipperV with 66% or less ammo and Inspiring Barrage, just having a way to regain alot of toughness has saved me a few times, sure kickback is most likely better overall…but still try it out. Also, rocks are close to a must so you have ways to take out priority targets without consuming ammo.

That is all, for everyone starting up games out there, give Ogryns a chance.


the ironical part so far, with everyone playing it safe in fear of demotion, is no matter how many domes etc get popped, stuff doesnt die from alone.

with ogryn i’ve been regularly the last one standing in situations going south, despite all reductions to health/toughness.

come havoc 40 though i’ll ditch the stuff like the twins, for it demands so many changes to my core playstyle that i dont find it fullfilling.

like forcing a mma fighter to box only, ditch grappling and kicks and call it higher demanding.

when havoc was announced it thought it a stackable upward ladder fight where stuff gets more and more overwhelming but your core abilities remain the same.

now we get “mandatory” classes cause others get castrated to the point of “risk of failure” and a demotion.

yes i get it, i wouldnt have someone with a knife in my corner amidst a gunfight.

who thought havoc to have any longtime motivation when upon reaching the top i can only gather disappointments?

like dafuq am i going to contend my heavy weight belt, i’m world champion and retire undefeated kinda thinking.

and i cant blame people for it.
back in the day, you cleared a raid and gotten your set complete you were glad to never watch that crap ever again :neutral_face:

now in a game where the gameplay loop is the motivating hamster wheel this seems a rather counter intuitive choice.

premades clear it on day one, randoms are suspicious about non-guaranteed wins, everyones glad to be done with it it seems.

personally i was rather hoping for an open catalogue of things to load up on your platter and increase upwards as you get more accustomed to it.

as an ogryn-only, not even main, i’ll stick to the class no matter what :muscle:

small appendix:
i briefly was on the fence switching pickaxe for shield in order to force them shooters into melee given the block/taunt perk, then again, getting stuff dead quick seems the better option


I haven’t had a chance to try havoc 40 yet – highest I’ve seen is a 22 that I piggybacked onto – but generally I’ve found that missions with an ogryn have a higher success rate than those without! Always bring an ogryn imo.

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I ended up going for the shield because of the increased stagger and push properties letting me still control elites okay, and the heavy slam ignores hitmass which sure is nice when all enemies have like 2x hitmass.

I found the heavy stubber to be the best ranged wep for it, although i’m sure the usual mk5 ripper or other options work well too, I just felt pretty useful being able to remove every special within fov when a chorus was popped because I was the only person able to shoot over the bulwarks and crushers pinning us down. It’s a compelling reason to heightmax your ogryn. Extremely ammo efficient weapon too if you take the krourk. Did not need a singular pickup


why wanna be smol when you can be big?
and no thing as to big a biceps :muscle:

shield i guess is valid, though id wager in situations where you actively communicate with your team (in my case of randoms and foul language apart from sessions with my buddy 0 then :rofl: )

stubber im not really keen on since i like the slide dodge flow with my kickback, feels a natural extension to pickaxe attacks and vice versa.
stubber needs a bit of windup.

I ended up getting 40 with Ogryn. My build was slightly different to win Havoc 30-40. I was a lot more defensive this time around & I let my team have all the ammo as I didn’t need much obviously. I used everything at the top went down picked: Big Boom Bomb, Soften Them Up, Attention Seeker W/ Loyal Protector & Big Lungs, Attention Seeker (Helped so much for aggro & gunners). As I went along the tree… I also picked bleed of course, Get Stuck In, Bruiser, No Push Over, FNP. I generally never pick Feel No Pain because most of the nodes around that work in Coherency which I hate. But for this very specific event we were so close all of the time, I had to. It was worth it a bit more tanky for sure. No Push Over was VERY clutch. If I had like a pack of 10 Maulers or 15 Ragers on me, I’d knock them all down on their … & stagger them until death & bleed out. I used Shield & Kickback, a classic build. I held my own with no meta at all just a big boy. But then again, I’m obviously experienced with over 2k hours so far. The most hilarious thing is that even with the Havoc Insignia & True Survivor Title, I STILL get rejected because “Ogryn” lol… It makes me laugh because in the last game to get 40 Havoc, I actually had the most damage output out of everybody. Not that I give a crap about the scoreboard, but Ogryn doesn’t suck as much as people make it out to be (I still agree he needs a bit of a rework). It’s literally the operator who controls him & I went in HARD AF for the Emperor! :muscle: The one guy was slightly shocked he was like not many Ogryns that I’ve seen stay alive this long on these higher ones.


thats the idiocracy demoting for failure gotten us into.
usually experienced players on ogryn carry matches that others written and logged off from consistantly and in that cases you can brute force rub their noses into the undisputable result.

but not even getting the chance to do so in the first place pisses me off honestly.

im not gonna switch to classes i dislike to clear one off chores, which sadly havoc turned out to be.

ogryn once and always. :+1:


Close to what I’ll be doing aswell, think the gameplay peaked around ~35 for me. Don’t get me wrong I’ll still play Havoc, but I might just run a few 40 games each week when I get the unlock for my own games and just try and join 33~35 games.

While I cannot actually be certain, but I did apply to lower clearance level games then what I had previously cleared… and even if the current setup was psyker, veteran and zealot I was still met with a decline.



Yeah same here, kinda funny


with the overall playerbase being as it is, it shouldnt come as a surprise people go for the "safe " option.

the demoting thing needs to go is all.
then a lot of fear would dissipate.


If you guys are really having trouble getting a group just bc you’re playing ogryn that’s messed up.
My group usually rolls with a 2-3 man premade on NA west coast server. We usually play around 9pm Pacific time and would welcome an ogryn. I’m tinybike on steam/discord, feel free to msg me!

(We haven’t been grinding or anything so we’re only at havoc 23 rn tho)


thx mate, appreciate it.

others were also kind to offer grouping up.

thing is, between 10 hour shifts and family obligations playtime is “random” to say the least :neutral_face:

so far, playing on european servers german time i either play around noon on my day off or around 9 pm.

combine holiday madness and i even got trouble getting my buddy scheduled, living 10 miles away :rofl:


From what I’ve seen, you have to really really damn good at playing ogyrn otherwise fading light will punish you hard.

I’ve seen many ogyrns in 1-25 just spend most of the game dead and downed.

I’m not saying it’s impossible to play ogyrn in havoc but you are essentially playing with one hell of a handicap.

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Index, I’m that guy that offered to help you with 40 Havoc on your Youtube channel. I should mention that lol. The offer still stands 100%. No pressure at all. Just private message me here & we’ll set it up… I cannot promise the game will run too smoothly though because you’re across the pond. But hey, it’s hard to get those mythical 40 level games. There as rare as leprechaun’s.

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I’m not disagreeing that you have to be really good at playing Ogryn to be useful, but I will say that this part:

Is not up to the ogryn at all. He literally has no counter to that. You just need zealots, vets, psykers to use their defensive cooldowns (so does everyone, it’s just that Ogryn plays no role in this)


Although, because of this specific game mode… I can admit Ogryn doesn’t have those special Meta abilities maybe except for Attention Seeker & Loyal Protector. Which I feel is his “super power” in this, I guess. I think one import thing to Ogryn in this is taking all the aggro from gunners & bosses which I did to keep important key-players alive which was everybody else using Chorus, Smite, VOC or whatever it is. I felt that it was important to me in order to win. It’s literally one of the only roles Ogryn can fulfill during those higher artificial nightmare modifiers. I just kept on being a big sht disturber to break up all the crazy monotony. I was basically the big distraction while my boys did there thing.

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Exactly… I was stubborn & wanted to do this the hard way of course. I refused to do Chorus, Smite, Bubble, VOC & others. It was more rewarding for me in the end with Oggy. Even with the B.S. RNG artificial modifiers. Not even going to lie there were some maps with all the B.S. modifiers on & I did sweat very slightly because I was concentrating so hard, lmao.

i know :smile:

didnt want to put you in the spotlight in case havoc-sherpa will be a thing in the future

you know, dozen messages a day:“y’all got some more of that havoc 40” :rofl:

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Lol… Put me on the spotlight all you want. If you decide that you’re too frustrated with your Havoc teammates. Just hit me up & we’ll do 40 anytime & get it done. :muscle:

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