Thank you, Ogryn players!

I made a post a while ago about how I found ogryn difficult to play in the current state of the game. There were a ton of supportive comments and some great advice on how to better build an ogryn with fun and useful weapons. I don’t remember who posted this build unfortunately but I wanted to give them a huge thank you as it not only keeps me alive but is VERY fun to play!! Build Editor for Darktide - Create your own Darktide Builds - Darktide WH40k


Sidenote, does anyone want to share their gunner ogryn builds or perhaps their knife ogryn builds?

Here’s the Shooty Ogryn build I use.

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You should really be running all Health Curios on Ogryn imo, at the very least once you start getting better at positioning and everything.

The Brown folding shovel is a straight upgrade to the generic shovel so I would also recommend that.

It would also mean you could replace can opener on the ripper with a different blessing.

Lastly is I much prefer the left keystone Heavy Hitter over Feel No Pain on everything except shield and Gunner builds.

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I was running all health, I had like 530 hp or something and felt like I was getting tore up by any gunner whatsoever (had gunner dam. on the curios as well) and a lot of people suggested toughness. I like the switch to toughness but I’m sure its all chalked up to playstyle. Any particular reason as to why you advocate for health?

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Looks fun, can’t wait to give this a try, thanks!

punching the chaos spawn (and daemonhost but why actually fight these when you can’t ledge or near instant kill them, the purple to tiny humies is not worth) is back on the menu with Mk3. it also 2 hit kills everything with skullcrusher thunderous and the heavy hitter tree, so its definitely not outclassed. a regular no lag strikedown heavy is also enough to kill most human sized non-melee elites and specialists.

its the clubs that feel terrible atm. at least knives have stagger reduction powerful enough to disrupt ogryns still, clubs somehow no longer do…may as well just use a power maul if you go that route, it has BM.

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Bit of a coin toss re: HP vs TUF, ages ago someone spreadsheeted it for pre #13.
IMO if you go Heavy Hitter you can go all HP and meattank it, if you go FNP you can go all tuf. I still find FNP+all tuf a lot better than heavy hitter even on non shields, liking it with Karl+both power blessings.

Can opener has the virtue of debuffing it for the whole team , and the Mk5 can clear crushers very quickly with it and debuff monsters. Sadly, they seem to have broken bayonet stagger very recently but MK5 Ripper ftw.

I personally prefer boxes for stagger/covering downs or preventing them, and more importantly it lets you take both Slam and Soften. I still use something like j_sat’s #13 preview build move attention seeker to something like 25 tuf or 10% TDR or w/e if not using shield and don’t want push taunts.

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check and see where Crusher’s current stagger thersholds are. I’m pretty sure Ogryn’s melees just relying on large stagger numbers + partial stagger reduction finally caught up to things like the bayonet. Since things that ignore 100% stagger reduction like the shovel/saber/antax poke or tactical axe punch still work.

However its pretty funny that the new pickaxes have such huge stagger they don’t have that problem, throwing bulwarks on the ground for an overhead is a little much.

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Ha, look at that, I actually helped someone. Such a little thing, but makes me happy :grin: Remember that part of the trick with any shared builds is that you read and understand the talent descriptions etc, as this often opens you up to the fully potential of the build!

All I have to say, I’m glad you are sticking around, the game is surprisingly deep, and has some hidden stats and some poorly explained mechanics, so don’t be ever afraid to ask a question or start a discussion.

Check out Steam guides as well, there is a lot of stuff there for all classes:

Also some BONUS stuff for Ogryn, really worth a read:

In case I haven’t linked it before, a quick overview of pickaxe combos etc, not mine but the guy produces some grt content:

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@PizPeeners cleaver builds, one more “classic meta”, other not so much, but a fun build still.

Mk4 cleaver build:

I left out curios, just use what was suggested before: stack toughness, a bit of HP, gunner defence, extra revive speed / stamina efficiency can be also useful etc. Mk IV cleaver horde clear can be a bit tricky at times, you can spam lights with this build thanks to Confident Strike. MIND that spamming lights means you lose your Heavy Hitter stacks, UNLESS you take Brutish Momentum (Heavy Hitter talent at the bottom), maybe instead of Trample (a short, but really hight damage boost talent for the upgraded bull rush ability).

The Ripper’s Can Opener blessing allows you to lower Crushers armour with the special attack / bayonet attack, it stacks multiple times. This will lower their armour for your cleaver, but Mk IV isn’t terrible at carapace damage…well at least for a cleaver.

MK VI Cleaver build:

This is as much off-meta as it probably gets with Ogryn, but I personally really enjoy few interactions here. First, Unstoppable Force blessing allows you to ignore enemy hit mass when fully charging heavy attacks with the cleaver. Really helpful if you are faced with a lot of elites as with this blessing your attacks will NOT be stopped by larger enemies hit mass. Mind this cleaver is fairly week vs Carapace armour, but with enough bleeds you will get there. Also the cleaver special attack staggers Crushers, even out of their overhead animation, as far as I remember.

The sad fact is that Ogryn’s Mk VI cleaver special attack does not chain / combo into the strongest third light attack. This would allow for a decent anti-armour combo and would make blessings like Tenderiser (power on special hit) and Bash (crit on special hit) MARGINALLY more useful. This seems to be an oversight on the Fatshark part. @FatsharkStrawHat. Hint, hint. I think its time to submit this as a bug :stuck_out_tongue:

Grenade Launcher is a fun little thing, which should allow you to one-two hit most specials a
and elites. You can replace the Shattering Impact for Gloryhunter, as it is funny to get back 35% of toughness on ranged elite kill, but with Shattering Impact blessing, if you taunt Crushers you should be able to 2 tap them (Valuable Distraction must be taken ofc). Get use to taking advantage of the Pinpointing Target blessing, it works like Surgical, so you have to “charge” it to take advantage of that extra power. This way you can one shot few elites and specials with extra HP. The GG’s stagger can get you some breathing room also, when reviving or trying to get out from a bad situation.

As usual if you feel you are about to get overwhelmed reset with the frag bomb.

Overall try to experiment as well. if you feel that Heavy Hitter keystone is too much for you swap it out for the Feel No Pain. Same with the ability. Loyal Protector taunts everything around you, so if you prefer pure extra damage, and the mobility of Indomitable (Bull Rush), that is fine too.

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The biggest threat to Ogryn:

  • Disablers, with its tiny dodge, slow frontliner archetype => There is no passive solution. So its basically “get gud” and “deal with it”.
  • shooters and gunners - There is a passive solution and that is boosting the toughness damage resistances and toughness numbers.

Less ranged toughness breaks, smoother your ride as an ogryn is. The guy was struggling with some aspects, so this is what we recommended.

From personal experience, I switched to 2 x TUF and 1 X HP on my all ogryn builds and I never miss the extra HP. If your TUF is broken. then your HP can get burst down really quickly, especially if you are in a bad spot. At least in my case more toughness I had, less HP I lost.

A few of em are more 4fun, but the Oggy ones are not.

P.S.: Thought I’m the only one who likes the knives with taunt, you also run gauntlet to rezz with easier, is hard with taunt. Also, if you QQ Krourk4 heavy, it will loop the H2 for some reason, making mk6 all but redundant.

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Any build that uses confident strike blessing can get away with using one toughness curio and two with health. Toughness and gunner resistance for perks, with the last slot as a free roll. Having one curio as health is something I really feel is needed if you play alot of QP and cannot rely on teammates for cover during events.

Slip and slide around to avoid gunfire.

Pretty much the same build I run. I do not however enjoy trample with cleavers, trying to get max stacks means you might end out of position and sometimes there might not be enough ambient enemies to get any meaningful stacks. Pulverise for bleed stacks that combines with Delight in Destruction means you have a good damage increase against the smaller elite groups that show up from time to time while also gaining some easy damage reduction.

My gunlugger build that I’ve been using to chug through the penances on that right hand side of the tree.

I don’t love it. But those penances needed doing.

Thanks, but I’m fully aware, that’s why there is a word “passive” in that sentence. Simply helping out a guy who wanted some security as he is learning the ropes. 2 X TUF and 1 X HP is my preferred choice, I don’t need a mountain of HP ever, extra TUF tho comes useful often, you cannot always slide.


Something I feel most Ogryn players only realize after they’ve played for a while.

Was a statement for the thread and not really directed at you, sorry if you felt targeted by it. Far to often I see players not utilize the game mechanices to mitigate damage and just run into things and complain about how deadly shooters/gunners are.

My curios are

21% health + 5% health + 5% Toughness + T4 gunner damage reduction

21% health + 5% health + 5% Toughness + T3 gunner damage reduction

21% health + 5% health + 5% Toughness + T4 sniper damage reduction

Pure tank and I love it.

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Yeah, I run Mk VI + Gauntlet + Taunt (linked above). Mk VI not because I think its better, I just like trying different things. Unstoppable Force makes it surprisingly good when you get a non-Crusher melee elite waves. Even with Crushers you can slice them slowly and the blessing allows you to ignore the mass on charged heavies. GG is fun to use, I just wish its melee attacks were actually good.

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