It’s not secret that OE is pretty nuts atm, and it has literally nothing to do with his crank gun which is still a tad clunky even if it’s been improved.
I think the biggest problem right now is how Bardin can immediately begin with 3 free bombs that have both effects, they have no FF, and they generate rapidly for free.
In all honesty I’m not too bothered by its auto-generation as that really fits the OE’s flavour as a master tinker, but it’s currently a bit busted.
My suggestion?
Genius Ordnance REPLACES OE’s “holding 3 bombs” passive with a bomb generation passive. And to keep it in check, the 80 second cooldown will only start counting down after Bardin either trading his bomb away or throwing it.
I’m personally not too big a fan of the FF immunity, but I do feel like he could use some extra ways to defend himself better. So his Crank Gun should be able to block and bash like a melee weapon or something.
It’s a bit broken, yes yes. I am enjoying its state whle it lasts. I know the boms will be nerfed eventually.
The thing that bothers me is that I never use the Ult. The extra power per Pressure charge is too valuable and I end up using the hmmer and my trusty gun and only getting the Crank Gun out at the begnning to put pressure on it.