With “Scavanged Shot”, which was a rather useful talent, being replaced, apparently because it would have been too mighty when used with TTs, with a talent that is, imho, rather pointless due to how strong the other two talents in the row are (10% extra melee damage on such a ranged focused carreer is “meh” at best, and while +15% ranged power makes hitting certain break points with CG easier, it is by far too situational, bound to killing enemies and the buff doesn’t last long enough to be meaningful), I think the level 10 row could use one drakefire-specific talent.
With OE being able to use drakeweapons AND being an engineer AND him having a burning stove on his back, I was rather surprised that he didn’t get the same treatment as IB did in terms of a talent that caters specificly to drakefire weapons. I mean, sure, it would have been boring to use the same talent again, but I can totally see Bardin tinkering with his equipment to not only have his drakegun being unique in some way, but also them synergizing with his crankgun.
I mean, the overcharge bar and the ability bar interacting with each other is almost begging to happen.
Firstly, the drakefire weapons could get the BW-treatment and have their DoT increased, the reasoning being that the weapons are now fueled additionally by Bardin’s stove, resulting in fire that burns hotter and sticks longer, in exchange for either lower impact damage, more overcharge generated, or losing the ability to actively vent.
The second part involves the crank gun: High overcharge could result in faster cranking and each stack regenerating more ability bar. If he’d lose the ability to actively vent, the passive cooldown could simply add passively to ability charge. I could also totally see the crank gun setting enemies on fire, dealing DoT, depending on overcharge level, while shooting the crank gun depleated overcharge. Or overcharge could simply be depleted when shooting and increasing the duration of continous fire, the reasoning being that the drakefire overcharge increases pressure. Maybe overcharge could not be depleated at all without firing or cranking the gun.
A talent could look like this:
“Drakefire weapons deal 50% more damage over time and enemies burn 25% longer. Drakefire weapons can no longer be vented. When firing the crank gun (MKII), ability bar consumption is reduced by 50% while firing vents overcharge.”
“Drakefire weapons deal 50% more damage over time and enemies burn 25% longer. While on high overcharge, the crank gun (MKII) automatically builds pressure. Firing the crank gun (MKII) depletes overcharge and enemies hit are set on fire, dealing damage over time based on overcharge level.”
“Drakefire weapons deal 50% more damage over time and enemies burn 25% longer. While on high overcharge, the crank gun (MKII) automatically builds pressure. Firing the crank gun (MKII) depletes overcharge and creates an aura around Bardin that staggers enemies and sets them on fire, dealing damage over time based on overcharge level.”