People had been discussing this for a while, and it is a pretty known fact, that just adding Lohner’s Emporium of Wonders into the game didn’t solve as many problems with visual customization as people have been hoping.
Right now, there are multiple hats/skins that people just outright never use because they either look too similar, have a much cooler version, or THE WORST - don’t match other cosmetics available for the character.
I would love to use a blue cloak on Waystalker, but there are exactly 0 hats that would go well with it.I love the colorful armors on Ironbreaker, but NONE of his helmets have a fitting color palette.
In addition to that, we have some of the “hats” which look downright ugly when worn on their own.
This is a well known problem and there have been multiple threads on the forum (as well as outside of it) discussing this topic.
What I personally want to do is to make a big though-out suggestion on HOW to solve this problem in the most sure and proven way.
Sadly, this solution does require work and an overhaul to many things already present within the game, but when done, I doubt there will be anyone opposing this change.
My solutions:
Make it so Ironbreaker/Foot Knight helmets, Kerillian’s hoods+balaclavas, and Unchained black metal elements use the same color palette as the armor worn, similarly to how Handmaiden/Shade hoods match the color of the cape Kerillian is wearing.
This is important because this will make people choose helmets based on aesthetic/personal choice, instead of color match. -
Add a second cosmetic slot, named “Accessory”, change some of the hats so they go in this secondary slot instead of the main one, “separate” some of the already existing hats into different items, to avoid overlap.
The second step is based on how a well known game, Team Fortress 2, handles it’s customization.
TF2 is famous for many things, freedom of visual expression being one of them!

We don’t have to add any outright SILLY cosmetic items, because that’s not what Vermintide is about, but the overall inventory structure is tried and proven to be great! People love it and the flexibility it offers in creating unique and expressive appearances.
But how should the hats and accessories be split?
How should it even look?
As a short answer:
Hats should be the headwear that changes the appearance drastically (like helmets on the Foot Knight, or hairstyles on the Slayer).
Accessories should be minor elements that change appearance less drastically (like the beard/mustache on the Foot Knight, or eyepatch/piercing on the Slayer).
Now the long answer, explaining every Career separately…
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearances like these two:
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearances like these two:
Foot Knight.
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearances like these two:
Ranger Veteran.
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearance like this one:
Due to his appearance being a bit more nuanced, here is the simple schematic:
So it should be possible to combine different beard-plates with different helmet shapes, like it is already done for some of the existing cosmetics.
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearance like this one:
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearance like this one (with no need for recolors):
Due to her appearance being a bit more nuanced, here is the simple schematic:
Because her helmets already reuse quite a number of similarly-looking assets, it should be possible to combine them together similarly to the Ironbreaker proposal.
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearance like this one:
Witch Hunter Captain.
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearances like these two:
Bounty Hunter.
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearance like this one:
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearance like this one:
Battle Wizard.
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearance like this one:
So in the end, it should be possible to have appearance like this one:
Due to her appearance being a bit more nuanced, here is the simple schematic:
Because her helmets already reuse quite a number of similarly-looking assets, it should be possible to combine them together similarly to the Ironbreaker proposal.
Here are some more illustrations for the concept.
Color Match
Hat + Accessory
Inventory System (using Controller UI)
Solution for “difficult” hats
I am sorry if the post is hard to follow due to it’s length. I forgot how to make collapsable spoilers. <_>