Handmaiden Ult suggestion

Then let it be a replacement for Ladrielle. Because honestly Handmaiden shouldnt have double dash as passive and GoL shouldn’t exist.

Considering the OP: Aside from GoL which is pure egosim, the other two talents are not anti-synergy to her kit. This is a matter of application. In literally no public game you have people stick so close together that using dash is automatically away from the team. You can use it on the way to your team while regrouping. You can use it orthogonal to the attacking line. Both mean that you will be within vincinity of your team after usage.
For the crit talent you dont need to dash through 20 enemies. You need to brush 5 enemies which you can do by a quick dash on the front-line and block cancelling. No risk involved and free 25 % crit chance.
For the bleed talent you should dash through as much enemies as possible. But you should use it as the tip of a spear. The dash itself can kill all horde enemies on Cataclysm. This means you can dash to the front and then you shouldn’t return to your team but your team should follow you because the enemy between you and them will die somewhere in the timeframe between 1-4 seconds and if they are hitting something themselves they have closed-up in two seconds. It is a great talent if you want to make a break-through somewhere.
If people are constantly using the talent to run away from their time it is a player-issue. Both talents can and should be used differently so that these problems will not occur. I agree with GoL being egoistical and bad for any team. It should be erased from existence.


Yeah I agree with this, that’s the reason why I hesitated to the idea of making the double dash base kit, even if you increased the CD, a double dash with invis would be super strong.

That said, I wouldn’t mind if double dash was added to Bladedance or Power from Pain.

It disgusts me that you would want such a change in the first place OP.


That’s why I opted for the CD increase. Because Ladrielle would become very silly if the CD stays as it is now.

That’s pretty much why I was against the double dash being base kit, I like Ladrielle too, so I wouldn’t want to lose it as a talent pick.