Gift of Ladrielle too short

Gift of Ladrielle was nerfed but it doesn’t really make sense. It was turned from 3 to 2 seconds but it’s so short you don’t really get to do anything. If you look at the video, by the time you finish your dash, you’ve already burned 1 second and so you really just get 1 second of action before you’re visible again. Between that and taking away all damage on the dash(via bleed), it seems like the nerfs were a bit misplaced. Even if you use a concentration potion to dash many times, you’re going to have constant up time on the stealth either way, so it really only affects the unmodified talent(no potions).

It’s like with the bleed, they could’ve kept the small bleed baseline and made the “damage” talent increase the damage but also allow it to hurt armor. That would’ve given it a lot more value as a talent.


Well its not that bad, its just enemies won’t do fast 180 on you and instadown you because you dashed through them, you can’t poke them in back for free anymore but yeah not that useless.

I definitely agree that Handmaiden’s dash is nerfed too much. Taking away bleed and reducing it down to 2 seconds is a double nerf that makes dash basically useless unless you start rescuing before the dash. If you start dash first, then you won’t even able to finish the rescue before the invisibility goes away and that is assuming you are even able to rescue immediately after the dash. Good luck if you missed your downed teammate because you dashed too far or too short. So I think Handmaiden’s dash should be reverted back to 3 seconds to give players some breathing room after the dash.


You lose all aggro with dash, is awesome in a lot of situations, I don’t feel any difference with the old ult.
And now she has also the OP talent for dodging in the enemies.

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I do have to agree that the nerf for GoL (Gift of Ladrielle) is misplaced. Losing aggro from enemies is powerful in itself, but the trade-off is that you don’t do any damage at all (on the skill itself), which makes Dash balanced.

If any, they should’ve just increased the cooldown instead while still keeping that 3s duration.

I agree. I used to main Handmaiden and it feels like she got nerfed into oblivion relative to 1.6.

Have seen every other career re-tweak builds and excel post-expansion while she’s collecting dust. Zealot is an absolute maniac, Footknight and Ironbreaker are effectively immortal, Battle Wizard clears thousands of enemies in a single game, Handmaiden… she’s… shrug

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The reason why they nerfed it is simple. They didn’t want HM freepass weave stage1 by using it. Shade got same nerf on her 66%cd and ult itself. For leaderboards that nobody cares…



Easy way to improve HM

  1. Add GoL and a weak bleed to the base Dash, lets say 4 damage per 1s for 4 seconds and 2.5 seconds of invisibility.

  2. Bladedancer should deal double the base bleed damage and be effective against all armor, except “super armor”.

  3. Add a new talent to replace where GoL was called “Far Reaching” which increases the Dashes range and Bleed applying AoE by 50%.

Doing these things would be a small enough improvement without making HM OP. She’d play more similar to the old HM.

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1.) That’s the old Dash of HM before they changed it in 2.0. Dash had a subtle bleed effect that’s effective for trash mobs even in Legend. It wasn’t powerful, but it gets the job done. Also, why 2.5s when they can just go for 3s? For consistency’s sake as well.

2.) I think it would be better if they make it a talent that dramatically increases the bleed damage effect and it will work with any armor type so the talent would be more or less appealing to pick over the invisibility (although latter is 100% better imho). Heck, they can remove the whole bleed effect and just make it so enemies passed by Dash will deal far lesser damage for x seconds. Now that would be better than bleed (since your mates can deal the DPS and HM is also a support-oriented class). Imagine spamming Dash on a horde while giving your team “increased survivability” by virtue of less damage from enemies due to your Dashes. Now that would be a compelling choice.

3.) Just a personal opinion. 50% increased distance may seem good on paper, but imo it’s gimmicky in my eyes, especially when you consider that the distance covered isn’t really an issue to begin with (Dash is spam-able). The issue is that Dash in its own is an underwhelming class ability when you compare it to other classes, and FS nerfing GoL while enemies got stronger is uncalled for.

One thing I did notice, that you can cancel your dash now early. Seems to work like FK charge in that regard, where if you block after starting the ult you can stop instantly.

That’s always been a feature(since Vermintide 2’s inception). Blocking/releasing or drawing bow/releasing bow can halt a charge. All of the dashes can be stopped this way. I always found it nice a player could do that.


1.) That’s the old Dash of HM before they changed it in 2.0. Dash had a subtle bleed effect that’s effective for trash mobs even in Legend. It wasn’t powerful, but it gets the job done. Also, why 2.5s when they can just go for 3s? For consistency’s sake as well.

Well FS seems to think 3 seconds was too long, while the community thinks 3 seconds was fine, i just picked the middle ground option of 2.5seconds. GoL and a weak bleed definitely needs to be part of the base Dash otherwise the dash is practically worthless compared to other dash-type ults. Also Dash relies too much on talent choices to be effective, doing what i’ve suggested would fix this as dash would be useful from the get go.

2.) Heck, they can remove the whole bleed effect and just make it so enemies passed by Dash will deal far lesser damage for x seconds. Now that would be better than bleed (since your mates can deal the DPS and HM is also a support-oriented class). Imagine spamming Dash on a horde while giving your team “increased survivability” by virtue of less damage from enemies due to your Dashes. Now that would be a compelling choice. [/quote]

Seems ok, but i’d much prefer the bleed damage.

3.) Just a personal opinion. 50% increased distance may seem good on paper, but imo it’s gimmicky in my eyes, especially when you consider that the distance covered isn’t really an issue to begin with (Dash is spam-able). The issue is that Dash in its own is an underwhelming class ability when you compare it to other classes, and FS nerfing GoL while enemies got stronger is uncalled for.

Well it could be useful as the bleed would apply in a bigger area as well as extending the Dash distance.

I offer an alternative though. Pressure Points: Enemies affected by Dash move 33% slower and are 50% easier to stagger. Lasts 10 seconds.

This would work well with the stagger mechanic, probably. Anyway, something needs to be done with the HM ult, it’s probably one of the weakest right now.

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Hmm, it never worked properly for me in 1.6 .

That aside, what if Gift application was to be moved to end of the dash rather than start of it?

It should prolly cover only the dash part, the 3 seconds were still ridiculous. The dash is nearly instant, no horrible windup like on FK, you can dash true everything, again not like FK who get stopped by all kinds of stuff and armoured enemies … you can’t get hit… again like FK can…

The dash is so good… that there is no reason to get extra invis after landing it… especially on Maiden where you can get so much stam regen and bcr that you are kinda immortal.


But yea, the base bleed damage should come back. Keep the stealth talent, give her an increased damage talent that works for armor as well. And finally, give her a double dash? Like sienna extra teleport for a few seconds after finishing the first. This way, you can dash through a horde and then dash back to your team mates while applying the bleed DoT 2x. Meaning you will almost do as much damage as the extra damage talent, but it won’t effect armour. At the same time, you get to reposition properly back with your squad. So it’s still a fair choice…

So, it then it actually becomes a choice. Do I want to get up to elf shenanigans and drop agro with stealth during an overhead so the SV 180 degree hits our Witch Hunter? (Yes, obviously) Or, do I want to tag a SV or CW patrol with bleed while kiting them to be safe. Finally, the team support build, dashing through and back to bleed the horde and knock things down. Oh yea, no one mentioned this. But her dash does knock down some mobs…


I think Dashing on downed players will revive them instantly like mercy would be good choice


Maybe Weaves should just have fewer or no talents. Just pure “skill”? Then they wouldn’t affect talent balance and it’d be more of a display of git gud:ness like FS seem to want it to be?

Invisibility was always a bad idea for talents imo.

It encourages lots of bad behavior from handmaidens, I cannot tell you how many I’ve seen make bad decisions when the pressure is high and just sneak off to play alone.

Also please change Ariel’s Benison for Asuryan’s sake… The uselessness of this passive triggers me so much. Even the devs acknowledged that it is not working as intended anymore. I hope they didn’t forget about it.

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