Gunfire stunning you is still bullsh!t

Just failed to push a poxburster because gunners were shooting salvos at me from 3 miles away. I don’t care, skill issue, whatever.

Gunfire stunning you feels like complete bullsh!t. This sh!t literally made me want to alt+F4, and I did, and went to play something else less frustrating. I have like 600 hours in this game since launch, and everyday my desire to play this gradually grows closer to zero because of all the tiny frustrating things (and the lack of variety in the content, of course)


You’re absolutely right, OP. It should just instantly kill us.

Instead the developers have opted to sacrifice reality for the sake of gameplay while still conveying some much-reduced consequences for poor situational awareness and decision making.

Don’t baby us, Fatshark. Make gun/lasfire lethal the way the God-Emperor of Man intended.


Given the perfect laser-guided accuracy of gunners, the fact that they’re everywhere, that we obviously cannot block gunfire (barring exceptional circumstances for Psykers), I was thinking that maybe, just maybe players shouldn’t be penalized so hard for not dodge-sliding everywhere for 3 seconds, when their toughness isn’t even broken.

Not even the Ogryn can tank a little gunfire to close the distance with gunners. Instead they have to systematically knock them down with a Kickback or Rumbler.

And sprinting only allows you to dodge gunfire if you’re almost perfectly perpendicular to them ; it’s not much use to close the distance or run to the nearest flank position. Just gotta slide everywhere. I’m tired of it.


Slab Shield.

Look, I am not going to meme on you like the other guy because you have the right to be frustrated; we are all frustrated at times, but since the talent tree update, enemy encounters have become much more enjoyable to me because it is easier to deal with a shooting line of gunners.

Helldivers 2 currently has the same frustration that I experienced with Darktide in its early days, where you are constantly stunlocked and lose control of your character, unable to do anything or fight back.


You need to dodge left or right. I made it a point to get better at that as a zealot so I could make do without that one passive. I always just dodge left or right until I get close enough or reach cover or an angle to run away and not take damage. It’s just a learning/skill problem imo. If they didn’t stun you then they’d just be rolled over by skilled players

I’ve put like maybe 100 more levels into ogryn since the class overhaul, he’s so braindead atm I can’t even constructively post feedback that isn’t play the game more.

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It is a git gud kind of thing but it shouldn’t be, b/c the mechanic itself is stupid as hell. I have no trouble with it bc I main a zealot. But ogryns still getting knocked back by a shotguns etc

Sure you can argue immersion, realism, grim dark etc. But the mechanic is simply not fun

Yeah very unfun mechanic, after taking the TWBSpill I barely play anything other than zealot.

Because gunners having 100% accuracy and the AI knowing where we are on the map at all times is “realistic”


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Both gunners have a good deal of spread. The scabs with volley guns less so but the stubber dregs’ spread can be seen even at mid range. I’m pretty sure that at least for the stubbers those are actual projectiles that can be seen and not just cosmetics. The hot-shot volley guns probably should be hitscan but I have no idea.

They also DON’T know where we are. They target where they last saw us until they see us again. This is very evident when flanking under cover. You can leave them hosing down an empty pillar corner while you plant an axe in the side of the face.

So no, I think they actually did a good job there.

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I said AI, not gunners. Specials/hordes will always know where you are, and any aggroed melee unit/monster etc.

Gunners do have 100% accuracy, what you’re seeing is bullet spread but if they shot a straight laser you’d see perfect tracking.


Yeah that is kind of the point of the specialists and horde spawns, otherwise team slug has no threat to their non existent pacing. Gun enemies are only ever ambients or patrols, meaning you have more control over how you engage them than the rest of the game. Especially with the common Dreg shooters being demoted in AI to just as dumb as the Scab stalkers. I hope one of the upcoming enemy additions is a common Dreg shooter with AI closer to the Scab Shooter with goggles again. 90% of the ‘gun’ enemies will follow you into melee range if you just get out of sight.

I’m not critizing the mechanic, just saying that disregarding feedback for not being “realistic” is a poor argument for this game. Realism has never been its focal point.

I think the stun is necessary to make shooters dangerous at all, but I think bullets knocking you back as if you’re on ice is a pretty obnoxious unfun mechanic that doesn’t really serve a purpose

Please don’t bring the “realism” argument to games about space elves and “magic”. Thanks.

To the OP - I have a strong suspicion that if the community initiative has its way, the ranged suppression / toughness break stagger are going to be removed.

On other hand I’m personally not sure about some ideas I hear about making ranged enemies more leathal. This is unlikely to work in a game with dozens of ranged enemies shooting at you, and so much inconsistecy in general. There is only so much you can avoid by dodging / sliding away. I don’t want Darktide to turn into Counter Strike’s peeking corners gameplay.

It’s enough that at the moment the game loves spawning large groups of elite gunners and gunners, without any melee enemies in the mix. That already distrupts the game flow as it is.

Well, if we were to approach this idea with propa consideration we would be landing as a 8-10 fireteams and slowly and tactically progressed though levels. 20-40 minutes map would turn to a 8-10h engagement. So yeah…

It would be fun for me, but I don’t think it would have same target audience as other tide games.

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Yeap. Also your suggestion isn’t realistic enough. Players should mainly die from artillery, never see the enemy and any survivors should suffer from real PTSD after few missions.

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I think that is the Moebian 21st’s job.

I guess the dripping sarcasm doesn’t always come through in text form but I felt it was fairly evident there.


Funny how nobody b-tched about rattling gunners who do the same thing.
Oh wait, they dont spawn in groups of 20+ and have near perfect accuracy across the entire map.
Skill issue idiots dont recognize that a million small things like this makes the game worse.
We here all KNOW dodge sliding is required, but it shouldnt be.
Its a boring as f-ck wrist pain inducing mechanic that should be AN option NOT a Mandatory thing to do every time you can