Gunfire stunning you is still bullsh!t

what would the point of the mechanic be if it was optional?

Jumping is a mechanic too, do you have to jump every 2 seconds?
Blocking is a mechanic, do you have to constantly hold block?
Shooting is a mechanic, do you constantly shoot - Do you constantly melee? = You cant do both so obviously the game MUST be designed badly if they are both mandatory and you cant do them at the same time right?

Jumping is a mechanic that lets you platform vertically. It has inherent movement uses. What would the purpose of sliding be if it wasn’t an evasive maneuver (functionally a dodge) that the game was balanced around? Why would anyone ever slide if it wasn’t necessary to dodge certain attacks?

For the meme I would like to note that they just today removed gunfire stun from the game.

It gave me a good laugh ! I guess I must have contaminated a dev with my brainwaves or smth.

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