
I enjoy playing this game, I have a lot of hope for how it’ll be after the beta, but it’s far from perfect.

  • Elites or special enemies are very similar to normal enemies. Against the dark background, in the dark setting, with dark clothes, and surrounded by a blob of dark poxwalkers they are too hard to distinguish. This is truly the Darktide.

  • Callouts. I feel like this is one of the biggest reasons why Malice is so difficult for me. The dogs, flamethrower guys, and the bomb poxwalkers are the only ones I can hear coming half the time. I’ll usually see an ogryn before hearing it, and trappers are ninjas.

  • Uprising v. Malice. Uprising is fairly easy queuing alone, and almost relaxing with a friend on discord. Malice is pure misery. I feel like the amount of special and elite enemies needs to be turned down, and for damage to be significantly reduced. The ranged enemies hit like a truck, and having to deal with 3 ogryns AND trappers, hounds or flamethrowers is a nightmare.

  • Toughness. Again with Malice, coherency is slow and while I’m taking cover or trying to kill some poxwalkers I’ll get swarmed by melee enemies.

  • Veteran. This is the class I’ve been playing, and I feel like he’s just bland. One grenade type, huge gap between lasguns and automatic guns, nothing to change gameplay style. I mean Veteran is lore accurate at least. Just one out of a billion others just like him.

  • Subclasses. Imagine if we had subclasses. If the Veteran could become a Tempestus Scion that focused on speed and elites, or maybe a Commissar that buffed party members around him I’d be the happiest man in the world. This is less of a gripe and more wishful thinking. If Fatshark does add subclasses or even new characters I’d be thrilled.

Of course I say all of this not having experience in game development, without being good at Darktide or shooters, and having only played one class, but I’m sure whatever Fatshark does with the game will work out in the end. I love Vermintide, and I want to love Darktide too.