Darktide gets worse with every update

I’m finally resigning from playing Darktide. I’m sick and tired of trappers being hidden behind herds, flamers popping up out of nowhere while a heard of dogs are downing your whole team and the team burns to death. This doesn’t happen on occasion, but almost 40% - 50% of matches in Malice. Hersey is even worse. There’s no audio clues that these specialists are appearing, and there’s certainly no visual clues as they just appear to crawl out of your a$$.

It’s not bad enough that the game stutters on occasion, the framerate drops to 8 FPS. Now there’s enemies just spawning out of nowhere to kill you.

To top it off teammates get so fed up, they just leave mid game. Then you’re stuck playing with bots.

I have a question for the Fatshark Devs: Do you enjoy having your players killed? Is it an adrenaline rush for you? It sure sucks for us loyal followers.

I’m sorry Fatshark, but after almost 1000 hours of gameplay, I quit. There are other games out there that are difficult but have fair gameplay. This is not one of them.


missing audio is the only thing so far i count as valid critique point.

but the rest?

so teams get stomped in learning difficulties and game is “unfair”?

you may not like it, but “getting us killed” is the whole point of the game. whats there to strive for if not overcome the odds?

and quite frankly, 1000 hours in and malice and heresy ?
the game isnt at fault here.

put in 1000hrs+ and enjoy I II V E G and C I VI auric maelstrom to the fullest.

they’re neither “unfair” or inadequately balanced.

being frustrated is understandable to some degree if the issues lie with faulty/buggy mechanics.

but inexperienced mates folding at a dog horde or disabler is intended gameplay.

ps: performance is fine on my end.
144 fps with raytracing and everything except ragdolls maxed.
could help to post your specs


So that means >50% of the malice missions come with the hunting grounds modifier.

Damn. I never knew.

This is the case how often?
Maybe 5% of the specialist spawns, if we are being very pessimistic? Probably closer to 1% or less.

Regarding the almost 1000 hours of playtime and your issues with malice difficulty:
There are still two difficulties below that. You could try those.

I only play maelstrom and i can tell a lot of shie in this game is completely unfair and used for mood instead of balance. At certain point ppl gotta accept it for what it is and either move on or get past it. According to steam charts, a lot have moved on

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nope, none of it is outright “unfair” at least in my eyes and the way i pursuit getting better at the game.

“unfair” would maybe entail I II V E G solo as an ogryn given his kit but the normal game with 4 adept people is a breeze so far.

hard it sounds, i prefer 500 efficient auric maelstrom people keep the lights on for 5 years+ than 100k bloated playerbase failing at malice but seeking for material giveaways in auric maelstrom

Is it possible for Darktide players to quit the game without making a soap opera out of it?


simpsons rule of the known universe says




Don’t want to be rude but just jump into aruic damnation.
Don’t even stress or worry about causing the team to fail or getting blamed.
Your 1k hours in you need to just trail by fire your ass into hell and learn the game.
Malice and damnation are almost 2 different games in terms of playstyle and it reflects in the players.
The players there only got to that level by failing most auric runs till they got good.
I got like 300 hours and auric dam is not that bad anymore.
That said missing audio cues is the worst thing about dt besides the network studdering.

Not everybody can like this game, so I understand your frustration and will not say that you are wrong.
Hope you will find the game you will love and enjoy, good luck :smile:

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It’s good that people are giving feedback over the BS in this game. Just b/c i play auric mael does’nt mean i can’t understand the plight of ppl playing in other modes and difficulties. The more the game retains ppl with better gameplay the better health the game is with devs actually making content and fixes for this game. Otherwise they’ll be even slower than vt2 like it’s already been.

Or are we really gonna excuse FS for all the stutters, audio cue bugs, poor balances, rng, and gacha bean counter microtransaction tactics with a straight face?

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