I’m used to easy and hard runs as a long time VM2 vet but the balance on Malice is completely out of wack. Some runs you’ll get maybe 1 or 2 specials the whole time then others you’ll get swarmed by two of everything in the first area. Something is wrong here.
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Yeah, some of the ambient spawns can spike up the difficulty all of a sudden. I think stacking on stationary ambient spawns is a bit of a problem too, when a lone ogryn turns out to be multiple ogryns, a group of ragers and maulers, and around 2 squads of shooters with elites it kinda hurts.
I’ve noticed this as well. The difficulty between Uprising versus Malice is insane.
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We’ve mostly been on autopilot on Malice, since ~Trust Rank 23. But yeah, before you have the right gear score on your weapons, the jump from Uprising to Malice is a punch to the face.
Then you’ll hit Heresy and get outright vaporized by a squad of 12 las guys turning the corner, and look back fondly on Malice.
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