Give the Veteran's Twinned Blast 1 minute cooldown instead of the 20% chance to happen

That is all. A simple change that makes the perk a Viable pick.


This perk better suits Ogryn because of how silly and unreliable it is.

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Considering how many grenades vet can get, having in addition to that 1 min cooldown to throwing an additional one (which is basically no time at all) that is an insane amount of nades.
Vet already can throw 1 nade per minute, an average mission lasts 30 minutes so thats 60 nades.
Plus, there are around 200 specials + elites in a single auric HG damnation match, using the demo team talent we’d get a MINIMUM of 10 additional nades (real average count would be around 15-20 if you actually use them and dont reach the cap).
So thats 80 grenades in a single 30 min match, 3-ish nades thrown every single minute. If not more if you’re lucky with the demo team talent.
ON TOP OF THAT we have ammo crate nade replenishment so you could get up to 20 (4 charges to ammo crate) So in total 10 grenades in 30 minutes… As much as i’d like to see that for the lols, it would be even worse then smite.

EDIT : forgot about nade pickups. On average there are around 3-ish pickups on the whole map. If you pick up all of them, thats an additional 15 nades (or less, cant remember if max is 4 or 5 max held, i know max from demo team is 5) Anyway final count is 115 nades. nice

I agree that the 20% is a little too low but 1 every min would be ridiculously overpowered.
I think 30-35% would be a fair viable chance.

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The twin grenade needs a fix as for Krak.

  • Sticking to same target (non-boss)
  • Missing out completely any target
  • Overly magnetizing to easy to kill target while much bigger target exists.

This is the real issue imo. The percentage chance makes it worthless due to how unpredictable the aim is. Arguably you just shouldn’t take this when using Kraks since they are the most affected, but… gotta chase that epic doubleKrak boss chunk :smiley:

What if it remained a 20% chance, but you got a buff icon to show you it’s active? Apply it to the aiming reticle as well so it’s obvious!


I think having a cooldown on when you throw two grenades would make some players less inclined to spend their grenades, so they can save the double throw for if they need it later, and then end up not using their grenades at all even if they regenerate.

This might not be a bad thing; it could add a separate degree of tactical decision making about when to spend grenades.

But yes I think Omar and Frish have the right of it. Even if it were reliable, it would still stink with krak grenades. I’d say it should just be removed entirely, since the Veteran has way too many skills.

It’s entirely useless when used with Kraks or Smokes, and extremely unreliable with Shredders - and you want to rely on such a thing.

When taking Kraks or Smokes, it could literally be 100% chance and I still wouldn’t take it. The core mechanism needs to be reworked. I’d prefer something different, but a timer is surely better than a random chance, I’ve had enough of those for a lifetime.


Duh? The only time it would be useful with kraks is on monstrosities/bosses. Which tbh would be useful on that one maelstrom modifier. (monstrous specialists with nurgle blessing)
With upgraded shredder it would be pretty powerful, it takes 2 nades to kill most stuff.
I tried going a 100% upgraded shredders once and it didnt go very well but every time the 20% activated it was life saving.

So the perk only works randomly one in five times, and only for one of the three available blitzes - and then it is good. Unless of course you’re unlucky and it doesn’t trigger for entire finale event, or half the map if you’re unlucky enough. Or it could trigger constantly and trivialize every encounter.

How is that not a shining example of something that should be reworked in some way?

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My entire post was about it triggering 100% of the times every 1 minute.
And the 35% chance version should be considered a bonus leftover talent perk. If you have fully or almost fully upgraded nade you might as well pick up the 35% chance one.
The perk is in a 3 choice route, so its not like its in the way of anything.

BUT, if we’re talking reworks, rather then this talent id much rather see one that adds more functionality to the nades. Like i donno, a longer stun for shredder, some utility for krak like maybe enemies drop a bit of ammo or whatever i donno.

Yeah, shredder build is sad since bleed no longer stacks onslaught (it was a good change). It’s bad even on Maelstrom with +2 nades. Could use a buff.

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I mean, the idea of a timed guaranteed double nade is IMO better than a random one as long as you adjust the timer properly - one minute would admittedly be too short, as if you compare it to how often it can be triggered right now then it’s at least three minutes on average, if less then only with Demolition Team.

I’d like a rework of this talent and admittedly if I was to choose between the timer or the random chance then I’d pick the timer for sure. You have a point that 1 min would be too powerful, but frankly I believe the timer is all that would need to be adjusted.

Although I do think it needs to be made useful for Kraks and Smokes as well. Perhaps changing it to “+50% AoE” instead of “double grenade” would work better here.


Then we are in agreement.


Forget all these lame suggestions.

20% of the time, the grenade you throw is the Ogryn nuke

/solved :wink:

On a sliiiightly more serious note, what if there were 5 charges you racked up by throwing nades and the 5th charge you get the double nade?

They had a perk in VT2 which did that with crits, might be a good compromise between predictability and efficacy (although I still wouldn’t take it).

Oh I like this idea. It would also give you a reason to chuck a bunch of grenades at once whenever you find a spare grenade box, which is always fun, and it also would synergize powerfully with Field Improvisation’s grenade restore on ammo crate pickup.

Another idea I’ve had lying around for a while:
Combine the two grenade regeneration perks,
“Regenerate one grenade every X seconds. Specialist and Elite kills reduce this timer by Y seconds.”
Dunno how the numbers would work out, it’d need some playtesting to find a good balance. 90 seconds, 120 seconds, maybe, and kills reduce it by 3, 4 seconds, something like that.

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I don’t mind the RNG version as it is but I would definitely prefer a timer.

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I donno… it’ll lead to situations like these :
-found a nade box
-team wants to move forward since area is clear of enemies (rare situation in auric)
-the vet says “hold on guys, i’ve to throw away 4 granades so that i can pick this box up”
-while the vet is busy, another horde starts, the vet throws the double charge on them, making the whole deal redundant.

OR even worse vets throwing away perfectly good grenades on nothing so that they can get the twinned blast ready.

I like the general idea though, the ability interacting with what the player does instead of being a passive regen or luck. Maybe instead of the twinned blast being active after using it 4 times, make it active as the next grenade after picking up the grenade box? And to make it more juicy make it also activate if you have field improvisation but so that you cannot get 4 twinned blasts at the same time and vets hogging the ammo crates make it on a cooldown, that twinned blasts cannot activate more then once per 30-60 seconds

I do like this.