Give Ogryn stagger immunity while doing heavy attacks

Title. This is assuming that the devs intend for the Ogryn’s heavy attacks to reflect the class’s strength. That they intend for them to feel impactful. They don’t.

Currently, weapons with good-to-excellent light attack patterns, such as Bull Butcher, Mk3b Club and to a lesser extent Paul are the Ogryn’s best melee weapons. This has many reasons, but at least some of them are that light attacks are safer, easier to execute, hurt less when they miss and synergize better with blessings that regenerate toughness and confer damage and brittle stacks. This doesn’t mean that the rest of the Ogryns weapons are terrible. It’s just that they feel lacking compared to the top picks.

Light attack spam requires little commitment from the Ogryn. Heavy attacks do. Rearing up to make heavy attacks leaves the Ogryn vulnerable and can completely fail if a stagger of any sort occurs. Missing with heavy attacks is painful. The Ogryn’s bleed feat line feels anemic, and anytime I try and force myself to make it work with stuff like Thrust clubs and the MK. 6 Cleaver, I keep hearing a voice in the back of my head that tells me I could be so much more efficient if I just grabbed my Bull Butcher instead.

Giving the Ogryn immunity to interruptions during heavy attacks would at least alleviate how vulnerable it makes the player feel while he is revving up for attacks. It would enhance the overall feel of the Ogryn being a big heavy guy.

You only get interrupted by toughness breaks from shooters, but this also interrupts light attacks. The character it feels wrong to have your attacks interrupted as, imo, is zealot and the fact you need a feat to achieve something ogryn has by default doesn’t feel right.

This is entirely appropriate for zealot. He’s an angry lunatic not a 900lb thick skinned gorillaman. The ogryn should be shrugging off stagger a lot more IMO. His charge should be un-interruptable. Right into reaper fire is fine by me.

Zealot in vermintide 2 had it.