Give Combat Shotgun More Ammo

I don’t want the Combat Shotguns to rival the Double Barrel in power or to be good in higher difficulties; I just want to shoot them more. Just give the Combat Shotguns a significant ammo reserve buff (30-50%) and call it a day.


Missions ar not long enough to load all those shells by hand. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Jokes aside for me especially the accatran is one of the best ammo efficient guns out there. I have seen another suggestion to give each shotty only it’s special ammunition instead of the current two ammu system, which really sticked with me.

Ammos are fine. Damage is not strong enough to be a legit pick at the moment.
Give certain shotguns knockback power and we will see them again, especially in auric.

I do want them to be stronger for higher difficulties and having more ammo is part of what shotties need.


I think damage is the only thing that is fine with the shotguns (except for Lawbringer), everything else about them is bad. Need more ammo, agility, impact, cleave against unarmoured enemies, ability to load multiple special ammo. Ideally, Manstopper should be a built-in feature and be replaced for something else.

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I’ll chip in my two cents here: I don’t think Combat Shotguns have simply one issue that holds them back, its a joint problem of low damage for the uptime they have.

The burst DPS would be fine on its own, but due to low magazine size, low total ammo count and ESPECIALLY the long reload the overall DPS to uptime ratio is just worse than it should be and is outcompeted by many other choices even in the combat shotgun’s optimal short range.

The uptime would also be fine on its own, but then it should have more burst DPS potential than weapons with better uptime such as Recon Lasgun, Autogun, Bolter and similar - but it doesn’t. The burst DPS is similar to those weapon families (except the Bolter, obviously) but the uptime is actually lower than all of them (INCLUDING THE BOLTER XD) due to the shell-by-shell reload system.

So simply having more ammunition would still leave this weapon in the dust compared to all the other meaningful choices, as even if ammo economy was a bit better you’d still lose in overall DPS to uptime ratio against those weapons - again, thanks to the terrible reload speed. It needs to have an edge - be it through burst DPS, or through uptime.

No matter which one of these gets buffed though, ammo economy would be still worse than other choices so that has to be buffed regardless.