idk about everyone else but i feel that the kantreal needs a small amount of bonus ammo per small ammo crate and stash. like maybe a bonus 5 or so for the crate and a bonus 10 or 15 for the stash so that the extra rounds it needs to take down bigger targets compared to the agripinna dont make it ultimatly less user friendly enough to have people ignore it cause in all other regards, its really fun and interesting and enjoyable but its ammo economy right now makes me only play with psyker zealot squads with it or i just run the agripina.
I assume you mean the Kantrael shotgun and not the lasguns. It might be worth updating your title to specify which one, since world of origin can cover multiple types of weapons (great naming conventions, Fatshark).
XD yea sry boout that than thanks for the warnin XD
Even if its not the best choice I love running the Kantreal Shotty on my vet and I 100% agree that it could use a good chunk of additional ammo, or at the very least give more ammo on killing elites and specials (from 1 to 2, 3 sounds great but would probably be too strong).
All shotguns need an ammo buff. I would say a buff of +30% and this would be perfect.
And off course, it should impact ammo from ammo packs and the give 2 from vet ability instead of one.
ya know i have thought of another idea after talking to a friend of mine and it actually could be even better where all shots should be incin shots with the low ammo pickup being kept to balance. basically the idea came from the fact that its really hard to stack fire dots with it and since fire works on building up stacks on hit it ends up having a similar issue to singleshot and slow fireing weapons with incin ammo in hunt showdown where using the incin on guns like that in that game is worthless cause you need to hit them twice to proc fire and if between each hit is like 5 to 6 seconds of reloading than whats the point.
personally i also agree that it is still my weapon of choice cause shotties are fun and like the shovel, good enough stats, perks, and blessings as well as smart play can make it work at least a bit.