Genestealer Cults Next

They added new beasties to Vermintide a year or two after launch. That being said Genestealer Cults doesn’t seem that implausible. Necrons, Orcs, Eldar seem a bit to tough for a squad to handle. But Some Cultist with Nids thrown in seems just Right. Hell we’d even get some Psychic Enemies to deal with.


If and when they ever get added, calling it now: Shadow in the Warp will be a mission modifier in the same vein as the no ammo pickups modifier.


I’d rather see other Chaos cults than GSC.

Except that would impact only 1/4th of the player arche. No Ammo pick up can impact all of them…

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Many people argue it doesn’t impact Psykers at all.

Obviously a false argument, but there are many that don’t ever touch guns on their Psyker.

In the same way you can overcome no ammo with staves, you can overcome shadow with guns.

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But still would mean nothing to Vet/Zealot/Ogryn players :person_shrugging:

cmon fatshark, have some balls (5 or more :sweat_smile:) screw that wimpy age restriction and give us full slaneesh enemies.

we’ve had disease and tentacles for 2 years now show how to transmit them :joy:

to my knowledge as far as game content goes, this would really be something “novel”


Honestly I’d like to see Orcs in all their WAAAAGH Glory, but we’d need to be able to use Adaptus Astartes and that will never happen.


Not every modifier needs to matter equally to all players.

The precedent is already there by staves being useable during the ammo modifier. No other class can just ignore that one.

In fairness, Psyker could ignore the Shadow modifier too, but it would be easy, low-effort content at least.

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Most of the combat against Orks is done by regular humans.

But honestly want to see a future FS game where you play as a squad of orks.


That would be tight. Smashing the Skinnys would be even better. Orks are still my favorite Warhammer race.

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Genestealer cult strikes me as most likely, but I’d pay Aquilas for Orks. Especially if there are grotz-crewed weapons and war-machines.

Opponents well above our not-being-paid-anyway pay grade could be handled by missions that have escaping or surviving as the objective.


I have a bad feeling that the only thing close to a new enemy “faction” will be another Chaos cult, something like Blood Pact mercenaries.


Well unlike the Anarch the Blood Pact never did have an ending written out for them in Gaunts Ghost so they could be a likely set of units. Personally I would want some non Chaos Action. Wouldn’t be the first time Multiple adversaries fought for a contested world. Orks would be doable too as they use Swarm tactics and this is a Swarm style Game. They could use Nobz for boss battles.

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While FS often take old miniatures and arts as inspiration, they, and the writers that are behind Darktide (and Vt1-2) want to make their own things.

And Blood pact would be somewhat redundant, with them basically being Red Scabs, hence why I’d prefer to see the Khornate faction being Enforcers turning to Khorne rather than an outside force

GSCults are some of my favorite, Id love to see a space hulk expansion with them aboard. That being said the narrative experience will be hard to mesh papa nurgle and xenos.

Orks crashing the party would be hilarious.

The comparison to V2 was that It made sense that beastmen and rats could team up, with Chaos as well. The plague aspect can easily transfer between all 3 factions.

In Darktide, I would hope for a similar vein. What can papa nurgle leak into that would pair nice with the current narrative? For me, the one that makes the most sense would be Admech.

Nurlge infested servitors and warp twisted skitarri, pox ridden serberys riders and Corpuscarii, tainted tech priests and maybe a plagued Kataphron or Kastelan robot, all while our rejects hear the howls and cries of heresy from Hadron. Id love that!

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They put Nids and Thousand Sons in Space Marine 2 and its definitely not unheard of Multiple Adversaries fighting each other at the same time in Warhammer. In Gaunts Ghost they had Adeptus Mechanicus have a Beserker Virus uploaded to them driving them absolutely insane and killing each other and the guard. So you could do that and it would be cool. Dealing with Papa Nurgle in this and Chaosgate I’m kind of done with him for a bit. Either bring in another faction or member of the Ruinous Powers.

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Just posted in response to a call for this faction elsewhere. Figured I’d link my 2c rather than copy-paste.

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Correct, but they were able to weave the narrative among multiple planets and still tease Necrons.

So for me, again, its about if the narrative can support the faction.

Well we seem to be the Inquisitions Bitches so maybe we can do some planet hopping visit some jungles and stuff on the way while wiping out Chaos. If we do stick with the Ruinous Powers Tzeentch seems the best next choice.

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Now we’re talking!