General Update Feedback

First of all, great job devs. I love this game. Since launch I have thought it is perfect honestly.

Since the update, the biggest thing I noticed was the sound of the game. Guns, effects, just all the sound is so immersive.

Player being able to save loadouts is great. I appreciate that.

That’s it. I am just a happy camper. I have been a 40k fan for over 20 years and this world you have all made is just amazing. Thank you :slight_smile:


Name checks out :rofl:

In all seriousness, this game still has many issues but I do love it. It has the potential to be one of the best 40K games of all time, it just needs the community to come together and give it the necessary feedback (both positive and negative) to get it there.

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Yeah dude i enjoy this game a lot. Best 40k aesthetic in gaming currently. Awesome gameplay and soundtrack. It has its issues, mainly crafting, narrative and the cash shop but those issues im sure will be resolved with time


Undisputable facts :muscle:t2::muscle:t2::muscle:t2:

I’m jealous.

I get mutie roars, dogs, horde noise and the monster music. But everything else sneaks up and tea bags me. :slight_smile:

But yes, I’m still enjoying it.


Based Darktide enjoyer.
Continue slaying heretics, Varlet. Praise be!

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