Gamepass on PC: Connect to Steam on PC?

How can someone who has DT installed on their PC through Gamepass connect to someone on PC who has the game through steam. Is Gamepass PC install different to Steam PC Install?

I can see my guy in Social Tab as active on Steam but not in game. I cannot select him to invite to strike team or send in-game friend request. It’s not actually “cross platform” so whats going on here?

Is there a way we can play together?

Hey @Argonaut14 , that is currently impossible.

  1. crossplay between Gamepass and Steam is not enabled yet.
  2. these are different versions, GP is behind on updates due to MS certification
    Additioanlly below the quote from Dev on crossplay from FAQ:
    Will crossplay and cross-save be available?
    We see the value in cross-play and cross-save and fully intend to support cross-play shortly after launch. Cross-save is more complex to execute and still being investigated.