Game still performs poorly on AMD hardware (2025 version)

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Issue Description (Required):

The game has very poor frame times and frame pacing, the average FPS is really high (120-140 fps) but the 1% lows can drop to as low as the 50 fps. I am also get big stutters in the central hub. The last stable driver from AMD for this game was 23.11.1 (more than one year old now). I play a wide variety of games and everything performs smoothly except for this game. The whole experience just feels bad which is a shame because I love this game, I really hope this reaches on of the developers so they can sort this out.

Hardware is 7900XT/5800x3D

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

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Im interesed in the soon release of the 90’s series, but if the devs can’t make darktide run well on amd, sincerly i could need to go with nvidia wich are significaly expensive compared on price to performance with amd.

As a 7900xtx user that has someone with a 7900xt working to help me test my changes can I recommend these 2 fixes.

1st one (the experimental portion you will have to try on vs off, as well as test with AMD SAM disabled / enabled as it seems to vary) - I fixed stutter and textures not loading in! (Texutre streaming config file change)

2nd one to enable full screen optimizations - Fullscreen Optimisations are not enabled for Darktide (fix included)

This has helped me a lot with performance.