Recently I’ve started to experience issues with the server hosing the game session I’m in abruptly ending. I don’t believe I’ve encountered this issue prior to the Traitor Curse update.
Whenever it occurs, it acts outside of a normal disconnect/crash, where the “Mission [is] Aborted” without the option of reconnecting. It’s not an incredibly common disturbance but it has happened enough some 15-25 minutes into missions to be frustrating. I’ve lost Auric Maelstroms at the tail end because of this and it’s become a gamble to even bother queueing for higher difficulty missions. Whenever this error occurs, it’s an issue for the entire squad.
I do not get this super often, but I can confirm that this happens and has happened to 4 man pre made groups before. It is a complete buzzkill and makes us not want to play. Especially if it was a hard maelstrom modifier, and when we’re finally doing good it screws us over.
A difference for me is that I never get a prompt to reconnect, it always immediately says missions aborted. That second clip is especially egregious.
Really hope this stuff gets ironed out for the winter break.
Two out of three games yesterday crashed partway through, one crashed the whole game with no chance to return to the mission, and the other 2014’d out. Barely even worth playing on patch day when its like this.