This happened yesterday. Me and 2 friends queued up for auric maelstrom and started. I believe there was plenty of time left on the map (20-30 minutes maybe?). However, we ended up playing with a bot the entire match. Not sure what happened here – is it possible that no players queued up for auric maelstrom in that time…? Otherwise, possibly a bug with matchmaking?
If it helps, I recorded the mission, although unfortunately I didn’t get the actual mission board in the video to show how much time was left before the mission expired:
Is it possible whoever qued up the mission for your group had the lobby set to private? That would stop anyone else from joining.
Asides from that, depending on region and time and especially for Maelstrom missions sometimes you won’t get people who join. I feel that gets the least amount of players queing in. It is possible it’s still some sort of bug, but I don’t believe so.
Sometimes when someone crashers or alt + f4s during the quickmatch/join/loading process the game reserves his slot but doesn’t offer him the option to reconnect.
It’s hard to reproduce but a few of the people I regularily play with have experience the same issue.
Oh interesting, so if that happens he won’t eventually time-out the way someone who alt+f4’s during a match will? Like if someone quits midmatch, it reserves their slot for a little while (5 minutes or something), but eventually anyone can join.
Possibly. Actually, one weird thing now that I think about it more was, I had the mission board open and clicked to queue us up for auric maelstrom, but right after this, I got a prompt to accept/reject a queue – i.e., my friend and I must have clicked to queue at almost exactly the same time. I clicked accept to his request and we ended up in the lobby. But maybe that screwed up the matchmaking somehow?