Game is dying, add grind incentive before its to late

What’s the use of a beta testing environment filled with beta testers if you don’t listen to those same testers? No, scratch that. The real question is: What’s the use of beta testing some content if you aren’t even sure that the majority of players will like it. Do you get me? They’ve spent a soooo much time working on weaves, hell, they’ve practically worked on it for 9 months. Let me quote myself:

At this point I’m starting to sound like a broken record. And I’m also starting to believe that nobody would make decisions like this on account of being incompetent. I think that Fat Shark went for the money on this one, not the hard way but the easy way, and they’ve failed. You know, there’s still a viable way of earning money while keeping your loyal player base happy. It might not be a short term investment but a long term one, and you could still earn some nice $$.