Issue Type (Required):
Crash - During Play
Issue Description (Required):
So, I’ve tried to buy some aquilas to get the chainaxe skin over the last couple of days.
Hit the “get aquilas” button, and then i get to watch an infinite loading screen until i alt-f4.
Game doesn’t crash as such, just hangs at the loading screen where i assume it authenticates with steam/user steam wallet.
Animated icon keeps spinning but i can’t esc out or anything else, and as stated the only “fix” is to close the process or otherwise shut the game down entirely.
Let it sit for 20 minutes last night while doing other things with no change, and had it running in the background while typing out this post to the same effect.
Normal gameplay is fine/no crash or lock issues, as long as i stay away from the store (which i have for some time now in fairness, no idea if this is a “common” issue)
Tried to turn off mods yesterday after the first hang, all subsequent checks have been with the game at stock/no mods.
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Constant (100%)
Platform (Required):
Steam (PC)