Cant buy Aquilas

####### Enabling Steam overlay fixed the issue ######

Issue Description:

I cant buy Aquilas, after selecting the pack i get an endless loading loop.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. enter Commodore´s Vestures
  2. Select a Aquila Package
  3. Endless Loadin Loop (ESC dont work only to shutdown the task)


Player ID:
[Steam ID/Steam Profile URL/GamerTag]

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
[Screenshots, recordings, links to Twitch VODs, etc.]

Hi @Epitaph,

Do you have the Steam Overlay disabled? If so, can you please try enabling this.

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do not buy aquillas, its anti consumer, and if you dont care about nickle and diming with cosmetic weapons will be pay to win next time, we’ve seen this every single time with this industry.


I do also have this bug,

Hi @Darktide-POLAND,

Do you have the Steam Overlay disabled? If so, can you please try enabling this.

Enabling Steam overlay fixed the issue, however i prefer to play with the overlay disabled sir.

Having the Steam Overlay enabled is required for in-game transactions.

I appreciate you prefer to play with this disabled, but it will need to be enabled for purchases and then disabled again afterwards.

Sorry, no way i dont buy em… i do it in all games… i like how they smell and feel… i just love it.

Ok with the overlay it works.

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if you didnt buy then you get a better deal.

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My overlay is enabled, but it didnt help. Still same problem

I have a rather unusual issue of my game not actually loading either the Featured Aquilas page or the Zealot page which doesn’t help as I cant actually purchase any of the cosmetics I want to. Any help would be appreciated!

Edit: I should further add that this happened once and has continued constantly. It loads then shows a blank screen but all the other tabs load correctly. Yes, I have tried a restart and a new character only to be met with the same issue again.

Anti-Consumer ?!?!
What a clown.

I consume, thus I am a consumer. There is nothing there that would be against me.
Except me lured to consume.
Which is the basis of capitalism.

This is heresy!

Blood is the only retribution.

May the Emperor forgive your mis-guided soul, in its eternal damnation.

Issue to the solution.

Steam has the option to enable steam overlay grayed out…


Impossible to enable it.

“Look there!”

“Amazing. There are still some alive!”

So I can’t give you money unless I turn on a feature I don’t want? That seems very counterintuitive.