@ FS please think about Spear and Shield

why should i push incoming hordes if i can ez quikly clean the horde? handmaiden dont need a stagger bonus from a shield because she can kill all enemys one by one very fast

If you dont get overwhelmed by the horde and mowed down by elites/specials that is. There’s only an X amount of enemies you can hit in one swing, and on Cataclysm or late weaves it’s not so simple to clear armored or berserk hordes, not to mention goats or shielded enemies.

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So why should they add the polearm sword thingy then? She doesn’t need it, right? The glaive can already clear hordes and elites like a champ.


because glaive is extrem slow on handmaiden and dont synergise with her ult ( max 1 attack during ult) it rocks on waystalker yes… ( gameplay is still slower , slow down the only high mobiliy char with a shield dosnt matter? ) whatever… again
this post are about
vote “yes” we want other weapon
( it don’t must be double sword but its obvious ) or
vote “no” we want shield

pls stop argue…

Alrighty then.

One final note.

No. If all goes well release is about 5 weeks away, at most. No way they’re going to scrap one of the weapons and make a new one.

yes please do, they won’t change the weapon release. Besides, your arguments are too weak and make no sense to affect that in any way.

Ye-ye-ye, I know they won’t change it, but after the first time I tried this Spear’n’Shield crap I was asking myself, why is there a shield? It doesn’t have tons of stamina, it doesn’t have “shield bash combos”, all light and heavy attacks are just Spear stabs, and it’s only push and frontal block cost reduction where it feels like a “Shield weapon”, not mentioning mobility.

I just caught myself on a thoughts that Spear’n’Shield just doesn’t feel like a Shield weapon at all, not to mention that HM relies on dodges a lot more then on blocking attacks. Ofc it’s only my humble opinion, but this weapon just feels like a worse version of Spear, with less mobility and less versatility due to lack of “sweep attacks”.

I haven’t played with it myself but from what I have seen ingame the range is still pretty good even with the shield. Of course it doesn’t have as much range as other weapons, but the shield adds utility in teh fact that it can block projectiles, charges, boss attacks and shield slamming for the stagger mechanic.

That might also be the point, since it seems FS wants to make all elven weapons unique because elf.

(And be careful arguing with Jaffawer. Just looking at his profile will tell you he’ll take criticism of any elf weapon almost as badly as sight of Druuchi. :stuck_out_tongue: )

@Reorx, my point here is not this new weapon being unique, but rather being underwhelming, it has pretty bad mobility, that already doesn’t feel like an Elven weapon at all, and it’s kinda natural to a Shield weapon, but at the same time it doesn’t have high stagger “shield bash” attacks, and it just feels weird.

It’s actually exactly the same as spear in terms of mobility and dodge count if I remember correctly. They upped the dodge count of Shield for elf to 3, while all other shields have 2 dodges now. Spear has 3 dodges as well. They also removed the penalty for dodging with a shield, which was -15%. And HM already has a passive 15% dodge bonus on top of that.

It’s the same mobility as spear, but with bonus stamina. Combined with HMs passive 100% bonus stamina regen, and 30% on trinket. She can essentially block everything and throw out shield bashes faster then she can use her stamina. On top of that, the shield has a higher block cost reduction and she can build for 90% more. Don’t forget she can even dodge through enemies now with one of her new talents. This turns her into a mobile, unbreakable wall. The only thing that can stop her is a special, which she can avoid with her dash.


Actually nope, Spear has built-in 15% bonus dodge speed/distance bonus, ofc it’s not duals’ 25% bonus but it still makes pretty big difference comparing to general dodge, and also I’m speaking more about my own feelings about new weapons i’ve tried in beta, some of which felt good, some doesn’t, I’ve said that shield’n’spear felt bad comparing to regular spear, and other elven weapons, still it’s my humble opinion and that’s all.

I think it all comes down to personal preference. I personally will gladly sacrifice the damage output and AoE sweeps for more defensive/support-oriented shield. In my opinion you can’t really compare these two weapons since they both serve a different purpose and playstyle. Some may argue that the spear can do everything the shield does. I personally disagree, but even if that were true, does it really matter?

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I think the Spear and Shield is pretty good. My first or second match with it I solo’d a Weave, and enjoyed playing it as a frontline too.

I was a little worried when people were complaining about damage, but after going for spam headshots with lights and doing charged 1 > push combos for AoE, and Push-Attack > Charged 1 combos for single target. it really felt like good damage.

Add in the survivability of a shield weapon on HM, with stam regen, and the dodge, and you can be a really tanky mobile tank.

I don’t think the criticism of it not being an Elf weapon stands. A Spear and Shield is the most Elfy variant of a Shield weapon I could imagine. A long scimitaresque sword would also be good.

It gave her something she doesn’t have, as she doesn’t have many blunt CC weapons.

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