Its time to roll some marketing for the game, to pay some influencers on twitch, advertise game on google, FB and Twiter
Why im thinking that?
Because just look twitch, people play games which cant even compare in quality and gameplay and fun with vermintide 2, all because marketing and advertisments. With proper marketing v2 can become one of top watched games on twitch.
FS you created awesome game but you need to reach people with your product, most of playerbase never even heard of vermintide 2, do some marketing, you will thank me later.
That’s a big gamble, pouring a ton of money into ads and hope that it will increatse its popularity on twitch. I personally think that Vermintide is not the best game to watch on stream, but that’s just me I guess.
Anyways, if FS would want to do something like this, a way better choice would be offering a sponsored stream to a couple of good and established streamers.
This way they would gather more info on the potential viewer-base and viewer-interest in this game, without investing into ads that may not even pay off.
I agree with @Jaffawer in that VT2 isn’t that great of a game for streaming. Watching 1 person continually smash ai enemies will only get you so far - perhaps a bit further if you have a personality to make it more interesting.
Most of the top games on Twitch are competitive. Who knows? Maybe VT2 PVP mode will garner some sort of following… lol.
I don’t think it would accomplish much. The new player experience of V2 is not that great. It starts of good (recruit), but amps up slowly (veteran + hero power grind), and is capped off by a terrible RNG loot and craft system that fails to fill in the gaps in the progression.
People that play for challenge are blocked from it by mandatory progression, and people that play for progression are not satisfied because the progression system is terrible.
Add to that the many stability problems and bugs that plague it to this day, and the performance that gets worse with every patch, and all an ad campaign will do is draw attention to FS failings.
FS either needs a fresh start (V3 or something) or they need to deliver quality for a while so when new customers look them up the see that the problems FS is famous for have been fixed.
I really hope FS makes their next product using a commercially licensed game engine and not their in-house spaghetti monster, because the long dev time and constant bugs have killed their product and their market. For a game that sold 10 million copies to have a player base of a few thousand left is pretty remarkable and speaks volumes about the underlying quality. Before they make a sequel I hope they take a basic business class and learn what “opportunity cost” means. (10 million customers -30% licensing fee) > (10,000 customers - no fee)