The latest experimental beta update seems to eliminate most of the insane FPS drops I had when enemies attack in a mission.
For the longest time the FPS would go down from ~70-80 to sometimes 30 or something as soon as I fought enemies.
At the moment the FPS I have in the hub are largely the same FPS I have in a mission with much softer drops during action.
In general FPS seem more stable across the board.
I did turn down object lod in the config file from 1 to 0.2 as well though, which seems to help with FPS.
But I also switched to windows 11 the last few days.
I already had that installed. I just never used it.
So, not sure what exactly it is that improved the game now.
But the difference seems so significant that I guess it must be the beta update.
At first I had some crashes with the beta update.
Apparently you need to set your page file to system managed size.
Apparently it stores a lot of data in your page file.
I saw a different post that said the frame drops went away after installing windows 11.
And that is coincidentally the case for me too.
It might be just the switch to windows 11.
im on w11, 3080/5600x still bad drops… its not w11. What helped frames most for me was disabling gsync tbh. I will admit I wasnt aware of the experimental beta so ill check that out though.
EDIT: it definitely seems more stable, haven’t gone in a mission yet though.