Footknight is Great now

Why play Merc when you can play BW, she kills faster and does more damage, clutches better, etc? Maybe because you enjoy it? I mean, if that’s your only reason for not using a class? And yes, Legend, or it might be Cata. I can ask.

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Merc is melee, and BW is hold block until KABOOM not on cd :wink:

This discussion is devolving into “why play X class when Y class is better and more fun?”

Here’s a better analogy…why are you guys still playing VT2? Why not play something that is more fun, stable, doesn’t crash frequently, 95% bug free, and is balanced? You know, like VT1…

Stop trolling SmokerT69 is my point here.

Maybe exaggerating is not the right word. But calling FK “unkillable” is definitely not the right word too. FK is pretty much killable if you will not be careful. And calling him that is really asking for nerf, so it bothers me.

That is strange… all weapons have 180 degree push angle, according to Armory mod.
I don’t think it is work for effective block radius though.

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I always assumed that weapons like shields block/push 50%, basically, 180 degrees in front of you. Other weapons have smaller zones of effective block/push. And the 30% block/push angle was just adding onto that. So since shields block 50%, throwing 60% more gives you over 100% block/push angle. Kinda like how HM can have 90% BCR, and if a FK stands next to her, she now has 110% BCR.

Maybe a Dev can clarify?

the numbers below is:
effective block angle
block angle modifier for inner and outer radius
dodge speed and distance bonus
dodge count
pusn inner and outer angle
push radius (description: distance in meters, from you that weapons push angle take effect. (Push distance I suppose?))

this was my point, but video… :thinking:

I have no idea :joy: I just know it works XD

EDIT: Upon further investigation, it seems there’s a trick to it.

@marcellus48k @Adeon

It seems that the push is a AoE Cone in front of you. And since I was aiming down to see over my shield, the cone was hitting the ground and extending behind me. If I hold the shield completely horizontal to the ground, facing forward, I can not push behind me. But if I aim down a little, It seems I can shove things behind due to the AoE cone now extending between me legs XD

I’m going to go test it some more.


Plausible, considering shields have 3 meter push distance. (According to Armory mod, all weapons have from 2.5 to 3 meter push distance.)

Ok, so it seems that with only 30% Push/Block Angle, you can aim at your feet and knock back everything around you 360 degrees. If you have 60% block/push angle, you only need to look slightly down to do the same thing.

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Yep, this could be good solution. In this way you have to choose if use the ult to do crowd control… or to save a desperate situation.

At least it sounds fun :rofl:

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With all of FK’s speed buffs, should a non-shieldy boy consider moving away from Swift Slaying?

Because it’s sounding like I should :thinking:

Anyway guys… you can love this new FK. You can think he has good talents. You can think he is great. Or you can want a little more… BUT PLEASE, don’t talk about a nerf. Don’t even think about it :rofl:… after more than a year, he is finally useful. And we can finally play as tank. I don’t want renounce to this… no more. I could uninstall :rofl:

EDIT: I had read wrong your post. Imho nope. And anyway there isn’t nothing better. With shields you can aim toward more push strength, but just because they stack bad with attack speed.

What would you move to though?

opportunist or parry since FK is big push game play

He has the no push cost and BCR talents though.

I dunno, I imagine even more AS would be better in any case, unless it breaks the particular weapon you’re using. Or your fingers.


Opportunist is actually pretty good. Sends dudes flying. :joy: if you’re not building for crit chance at all, as in, you don’t have crit chance on anything, then I don’t see why not. As your base 5% crit chance isn’t going to proc too much anyway.


Been trying out SnS with Opportunist and the Staggering force talent. It’s actually pretty crazy how far you knock storm vermin back with a push or shield bash. If there’s a nearby cliff you can extremely easily bully an entire patrol off a cliff.

Also read that with +10% power Vs skaven/berserker as well you can interrupt any plague monk attack which sounds pretty helpful.

@SmokerT69, @alsozara, are you sure Opprotunist is working? I tried it on modded realm and it seemes like push against Gor with or without it looked the same…

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Make sure he’s making an attack. It’s 50% on an attacking target. Although, perhaps it caps out at a certain amount of stagger?

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