Issue Description: Reward chests flicker between texture qualities in the spoils of war screen, I think this also happens during the end of mission screen as well. Bardins Hangun illusions with the blue paint also have a similar issue of flickering between texture qualities. The weapon illusion bug has been occuring for a while now but I think the reward chest bug has only started occuring since the Tower of Treachery update.
Steps to Reproduce:
- View Bardins Handgun with any illusion that has the blue paint or view any reward chest on the spoils of war screen or end of mission screen.
Map Name (If Applicable): n/a
Platform: Steam
Player ID: JBles95
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone: 04/04/2023, 5:44PM AEST
Reproduction Rate: Constant (100%)
Upload Supporting Evidence:
The Bardin’s Hangun illusion: (this occurs with all illusions that have the blue paint)
Commendation reward chest:
Emperors reward chest: (to show it occurs with all chests, not just commendation chests)
Upload Console Log:
console-2023-04-04-07.09.29-8dbbd6d8-feb3-4a76-b16c-a7fc865ef978.log (991.0 KB)
Upload user_settings.config:
user_settings.config (37.5 KB)