Bitter Dreams skins bug

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

after finishing every weekly CW challenge two of my “bitter dreams” skins are no longer available… (raipier, repeater handgun)
i know i had those skins because i used them for a while
is this known bug? my friend is missing repeater handgun too

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

dont know…? i just play the game…

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Rare (<10%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):

@Gaath, please can you provide me with your Steam profile URL e.g. so we can check your account data in the backend? Thanks in advance!

here, but i knew i´ve had those skins because i used them…

is there any solution for it ?

@Gaath, apologies - I’m still waiting to hear back from our backend developer who I’ve requested to check your account data. I’ll let you know as soon as I have any updates.


Hi @Gaath, our backend developer has reviewed your account data and has found that you currently have all rewards up until and including this weeks reward. However, not all weekly rewards have been released yet - including the Repeating Handgun of Bitter Dreams and
Rapier of Bitter Dreams. Could you be confusing these illusions with any others?

Unfortunately, as these weekly reward weapon illusions have not yet been released, there isn’t anything further we are able to do. Sorry!

truly? im sure repeater pistol was released already, same aas raipier

Yep! The weekly rewards were introduced in patch 5.5.0 on May 22nd. There are 25 total weekly rewards, and we are currently in week 14.

The repeater handgun should be the reward for week 17, and rapier should be week 25.

Is it possible that you were using weave-forged weapon illusions instead?

probably it is, both weapons have myrmidia versions
25 ? i thought there is only 20 skins…
can you list weapons which will have white skins ?

Yep! As far as I know, these are -

  1. Dagger of Bitter Dreams
  2. Longbow of Bitter Dreams
  3. Handgun of Bitter Dreams
  4. Conflagration Staff of Bitter Dreams
  5. Greatsword of Bitter Dreams
  6. Hagbane Bow of Bitter Dreams
  7. Executioner Sword of Bitter Dreams
  8. Hammer of Bitter Dreams
  9. Bolt Staff of Bitter Dreams
  10. Volley Crossbow of Bitter Dreams
  11. Spear of Bitter Dreams
  12. Blunderbuss of Bitter Dreams
  13. Axe and Shield of Bitter Dreams
  14. Mace of Bitter Dreams
  15. Pistols of Bitter Dreams
  16. Volley Crossbow of Bitter Dreams
  17. Repeating Handgun of Bitter Dreams
  18. War Pick of Bitter Dreams
  19. Flame Sword of Bitter Dreams
  20. Axe of Bitter Dreams
  21. Longbow of Bitter Dreams
  22. Mace and Shield of Bitter Dreams
  23. Drakefire Pistols of Bitter Dreams
  24. Flamestorm Staff of Bitter Dreams
  25. Rapier of Bitter Dreams

ty, i think u can lock this thread, issue solved

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