Fixing the Psyker Navigator mask to look like it actually works


I just purchased the Praesimiagoria Mk Ic Rebreather, only to spin it around a bit more and realize the re-breather isn’t actually a re-breather as it doesn’t even cover your mouth.


I know I am probably late to the party, but have the devs ever make comments on this? Any hope this actually gets fixed so it looks like an actual mask? Honestly it makes me cringe each time I see my character from the side, I’m sure I am not the only one here.

Devs, please update this mask to actually cover your mouth as a proper re-breather would. For a cosmetic that costs actual money it feels like this was half-done and just dropped for people to buy.

i think it just has nose plugs and the admech expect you to not breathe through your mouth.

Well, I hope not… Just saw that the other older version of this helm has the same issue…

Devs, I know this is probably not high on any list of fixes since you already took our money on this but, I hope you do plan to run quality checks on things you sell us. Including this.

Looks at kreig cosmetic ‘fix’

Yeah it’s better off you don’t ask fatshark to fix their cosmetics


What did they do?

Well it had a rebreather bag on the front. But it clipped with some of the end of match stances.

So their ‘fix’ was to shrink the bag to a ridiculous size making it look like a silly iPad holder because they made it soo flat.

That sucks, but at least they gave it attention, so it gives me some hope i guess.

Dunno how they can further ruin this helmet, it already looks non-functional, so I’d rather see what they’d to rather than leave it like this.

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