Fix Shop, crafting, and level selection! You got it right in Vermintide!

Collective currencies shared across characters! Please it is so tedious to grind each character individually starting from 0.

Include a crafting system that allows you to select the weapons you want to craft with RNG just like in Vermintide. In Darktide I wait 1 hour just to be shown a new shop list that still doesn’t include the weapons I like to play with. Let me reroll for the specific weapons I want!

Lastly, allow me to select my desired maps and difficulty combos (just like Vermintide) instead of having to choose from pre-sets levels/difficulties.

I love this game, but these kinds of decisions will likely be what causes me to put the game down as oppose to playing it for years like Vermintide.


Almost everything in this game is a regression from VT2, it’s actually pretty impressive.


Also what is up with no private lobby’s or end game stat screens on launch???