Feedbacks after an evening of play

If there is a dedicated topic I haven’t found it, so just some random feedback after an evening of playing with 3 other friends together, so being able to coordinate a bit, the only issue being the maps being slightly different so not knowing where to better position ourselves:

  • Rats and hordes can enter the hero spawn zones if they are still inside after the doors open
  • Too little density for some rats to be effective (assassin, packmaster)
  • Normal enemies have little to no hp which is fine but elite and bosses need to be buffed a bit, they die too quickly to provide any support to player specials
  • There is no special that can disperse and separate heroes (blight stormer comes to mind) but I assume it’s in the works
  • Most regular weapons instakill rats and specials (kerillian autoaimed arrows) hits even behind walls. A buff to health of the specials used by the players would be appreciated.
  • Overall the rats specials seems to be tuned for recruit as globadiers in high difficulties can kill you in 3-4 ticks of damage while here it was a mild annoyance. Some tuning would be appreciated as well on the damage side as well.

Overall, a big help would be more density anyway, even before thinking about anything else. Currently, playing assassin or even worse, packmasters, is just playing with a handicap compared to others.


It would be great if we could have “elites” as a possible selection, maybe when the director is in the process of triggering an horde. The way for it to work could be that “lesser” elite could spawn the player as one of them with an escort (player + 3-4 npc top). The logic should be there already, thanks to the new changes brought by the last career of sienna. I am thinking of elites like:

  • Black rats
  • Monks
  • Chaos Berserkers

Or some elites that are just very powerful even alone, like Chaos Warrior (I mean… come on!).


agree with everything. +1

I absolutely agree. Skaven currently are to fragile in general.
Heroes can just rush and one shot you, without worries about getting hurt, as the damage taken from rats is very low and you find healing items around every corner.

Just run another match alone with randoms choosing the assassin every time I could.

It seems that only one jump attack every 6-7 manage to actually “jump”. It’s like even the slightest step in the ground break it.

Also, when crouched and ready to jump you can’t even walk small steps, not in the slightest.

No idea if it’s intentional… if it is, it’s definitely not fun as you need to be extra sure there aren’t even minuscule obstacle between you and the target.

Oh, and no clue how points are earned or why sometimes you keep playing as the same side “heroes or rats” while one would expect to have one round each unless the other team have so many points that it’s pointless (heh) to continue.