Hi devs and players.
I feel that now i’m competent enough to give feedback and rebalance ideas for Legend difficulty. Tried many builds, weapons and specializations (controller, DPSer, all-purpose), with 470 hours played, have high level of mechanical skill, also watched data-mined weapon stats a lot.
I think i understand your concept of balancing - no weapon should be good at everything. There’s like 4-7 different tasks for a weapon (crowd control, horde clear, anti armor, etc). And in ideal world, the summed abstract effectiveness (from each task) on a weapon - should be same as on all other weapons.
The problem is that evaluating these abstract effectieveness - of each task or total - is actually very subjective, and needs both in-game experience and weapon stat knowledge.
In general, i think you’ve under-estimated how armor or single-target elite DPS is so important in Legend.
And over-estimated the power of crowd control, stagger&stun - by not giving it enough for dedicated control weapons (shields, maybe 2h hammer & flail).
Also, the weapon stat - attack speed, or time before an attack connects to a target - is the core stat that, in this game, makes or breaks a melee weapon (attack). Look at all best melee weapons: halberd, glaive, 1h hammer - all have fast anti-armor attacks, with options for horde control and clear. 1h axe after slight atk speed buffing turned from garbage tier to decent.
So, for Legend, i noticed quite a few things here and there in melee balance, that in my opinion are off - a weapon is too weak/strong relatively speaking, or an attack is sub-optimal relative to other movesets available on the weapon.
Here are my thoughts on each weapon i have experience with, how i’d try to change them and based on why.
- 2h Sword (Marcus/Victor):
Reduce wind up times of light and charged attacks moderately (keeping same travel times of the blade during attacks - for better swing extensions). Effective Dodge count from 2 -> 3, dodge distance from 0.95 to 1.05.
All changes make horde-clear (its specialization) not that unreasonably dangerous. And it is dangerous currently w/o huge attack speed investment (swift slaying&crit chance, talents&properties), or having to rely on a teammate to help with crowd control.
I believe experienced 2h swordsman should be able to safely clear hordes by himself, for all drawbacks in armor damage and (a bit) single target DPS. Currently chaos hordes simply wreck you with their fast attacks, skaven hordes pose danger too - they’re numerous and rats have low height, making your angled swings much less effective in controlling them in wide arcs.
- Executioner Sword:
Decrease charge time of charged attack moderately OR increase it’s base+headshot damage against armoured&infantry significantly.
Pulling off this attack in contact with enemies is risky and not rewarding enough, hard to headshot with that slow charge time. <- and that’s my conclusion after using the charged attack on Knight, with stacked +15% attack speed bonus! I’d prefer 1h mace or even 2h hammer any day to that +15% executioner, and that was pre-nerf to it’s headshot damage.
- Halberd:
This weapon is too good at everything. And needs complete reworking.
Change idea - to make it more “single-target” oriented, requiring crowd controller teammate for safety.
Overall: less attack speed and slightly longer reach, moderately higher damage.
Remove Light 1 sweep from Light combo. Instead it starts with light overhead (previously Light 3).
Light combo is overhead-stab-overhead. Slightly increased reach, reduced attack speeds. Light overheads used to combat armour.
Push attack is still overhead, but next light attack is stab, not another overhead.
First Charged attack is changed to stab, still low armor damage, but increased infantry&berserker&monster base damage significantly. 2nd charged attack is sweep, with properties reamining same.
How light&charged combo into each other:
-Light 1 (overhead)->charged 2(sweep)
-Light 1 (overhead)->Light 2(stab)->Charged 1(stab)
-Charged 1(stab) -> Light 2(stab).
- Flail:
Charged attacks feel pointless 90% of the time. If they role is to control multiple stormvermins/maulers, then it needs much less charge time (the damage dealt is so miniscule anyway). Alternatively, make it do moderately more base damage to several infantry + armoured targets.
- 1h Sword (Marcus&Sienna):
It won’t hurt to add more anti armoured effectiveness, considering its counterpart - 1h mace - deals with armour soo good, have same mobility, and good crowd control - with high stamina, good push attacks. Strong aspect of 1h sword - charged attack with great cleave - have very low damage on 4+ target anyway, so it can be said that horde control is roughly equal to 1h mace.
Push attack replaced - copied from light 3 (overhead), after which you can do light 2 - light 3 (overhead again).
- Elf 1h Sword:
Increase charge speed of charged attacks slightly. Charged 1/2 have same damage profile as 1h hammer charged, with much-much lower charge speed, which seems unreasonable - its not like light attacks are that great to compensate.
- Dual Daggers:
After a push-stab, making an input for charged attack results in an immediate light attack instead. Should be fixed imo.
- Weapon+Shield:
Shield bash attacks - increase stagger to interrupt infinite amount of stormvermin overheads by default (and all mauler attacks too). Currently you cant even interrupt a single SV overhead with shield bash!
Couple of shield pushes drop maulers and savages to the ground by default, monks and stormvermins remain staggered longer.
Shields aren’t in a good place on Legend, its not fun playing them, 90% of the time you dont feel like you’re contributing enough (as you could with other career/weapon). Could use either huge increase in control department(above), or DPS department. You can’t overbuff shields this way, it’s simply not possible, because:
-1) stunning those few enemies in contact with you (instead of DPS-ing them) - is just what it is - delaying the problem (while new enemies keep on arriving), relying on teammates skill&damage.
-2) shielder is meant to be in the thick of the fight, where there’s not many opportunities for attacking, you have to push in-between or else - which means even overbuffed damage - will be fine.
- Hammer/Mace+shield:
Charged shield bash attack - match the charge speed to sword+shield bash attack (which means the increase of charge speed significantly).
Charged 1 sweep - increase charge speed significantly.
Slightly increase mass limit for stagger on light attacks OR slightly increase light attack speed (or both).
This weapon is strange really, worst flexibility in the game, all attacks seem to do same stuff and bad…
Made a detailed topic already:
- 2h Axe (Bardin):
Increase charge speed of charged attack (~7%), or increase its cleave slightly (maybe both).
Light 3 feels very bad, as doing it you cant block for a long time afterwards, the combo reset takes very long, so its plainly better to do: light 1 -> light 2 -> block_cancel -> light 1 -> light 2.
The weapon is unwieldy - often can’t block midswing, that’s a huge drawback which needs good compensation, that currently isn’t there.
- 2h Pick:
Both charged attacks need across the board buffs, in real combat these slow charging strikes arent practical to say the least, and even if you do them thanks to team coverage - they’re not worth it in the end.
So buffs should significantly affect either charge speed, or base/headshot damage. Also movespeed while doing heavy charge. V2 pick is missing the ability to start charging the attack, run up to an enemy and smack him, that was possible in V1.
- Flaming Sword:
Its like a dedicated horde weapon, armor DPS is low, single-target DPS vs roamers and elites is low…
Moderately increase charge speed of slap attack and charged swing attack, while making swing attack have more travel time, so you can extend it to a wider arc.