Favorite weapon system

hasn’t happened to me yet but it would be nice to have a favorite button to mark a weapon, that would prevent you from selling it, taking blessing off it etc etc
with how many weapons you end up with, it can be sometimes hard to keep track of what weapons you want to keep, especially now that we have multiple talent loadouts, you might forget that “your using a certain weapon for X build” or it might be a white weapons with good stats that you plan on upgrading etc

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As a temporary workaround there are mods for favourites ( My Favorites (Item Lock)) and seeing items equipped in other loadouts ( Equipped Icon Plus)

But yes, it would be nice to have these options as part of the game itself.

awesome thanks for lettings me know, i will probably grab those just to be safe, don’t wan tot accidently yeet one of the weapons i grinded so hard to get, just because i was tired or thought i was tying to delete a different weapon ya know XD

I’m using it and it does prevent selling weps by accident. But I really think FS should come up with a better version for the game. We should be able to pin our most use weps at the top of the list. And the new sorting options are just lame. We can now sort items backward, that’s it. They really don’t put much effort in this quality of life.

in terms of sorting, especially with curios, it would be nice to sort based on, what the curio does
all the curio names are random, and the levels don’t really matter that much, so the sorting system is kind of useless
i used the favorites mod to color code all my curious with different colored stats to find them a little easier

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