Favorite Item

Please. Please for the love of all that is holy. Make it so that we can “Favorite” an item so that IT CANNOT BE SOLD OR DELETED. Like please for the love of everything that is considered holy to He On Terra, please. I’ve almost sold one of my favorite staves three times tonight while selling garbage.


The only work around for me is to touch nothing other than upgrade. Plus, with a rework just around the corners, who knows if we are even going to keep our favorite weapons.

here you go my friend


It’s been confirmed we aren’t losing weapons


Happened to me twice before… I lost my perfect 370 helbore and shotgun by accident like this… We shouldnt need to download mods for such a simple quality of life feature.

After losing your perfect weapon like that, you lose all will to play the game again. Needs to be a priority patch imo.

It’s crazy to me how lacking Darktide is in the QoL department compared to its predecessors. Vermintide 2, a game Fatshark made, published, and spent years providing post-support for; already had this feature where you can favorite items so they don’t get accidentally salvaged when you mass dismantle items for resources.

In Vermintide 2 you just highlight a item by placing a cursor over it, press the f key, then that item will get a green heart which will make it safe from getting scrapped by auto salvage function, see:


Yeah we really need some basic QoL stuff.

My workaround for inventory sorting in general is to use skins to indicate which items I’ve favorited for use and which are just stored (stuff not in use but can be upgraded or changed for different builds).

I use the “Buy Until Rating” mod so my inventory never gets clogged by too much garbage, which means I only have a few new items that need deleting after each purchase or upgrade cycle. Sorting by a-z also makes sure the items are always grouped so I don’t accidentally delete a different type of item.

And finally, I do NOT use the mod that lets you delete at Hadron’s while crafting, since for whatever reason often when you use alpabetic ordering, the game uses an opposite power sorting as the secondary sorting order for inventory and Hadron.

But yeah, we definitely need some basic features like this. Hopefully the itemization update will finally bring them, almost 2 years after release. :joy: Best part is how every time you delete something, the game resets the page so even though it jumps to the next item down the list, it pushes the page up to hide the items coming up next. As if to maximize the confusion and the odds of you deleting something you didn’t want to. Like… really?

I mean, I have idk a hundred or more items stored for most characters. Easily a 1-2 dozens of each of my favorite weapons and many iterations of the other variants too.

Absolutely baffling.

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What is madness it isn’t alot of work to add QOL. The work was already done by modders.

  • Browse QOL mods on nexusmods
  • See what doesn’t alter mission gameplay balance and purely UI related
  • Contact modder and ask permission
  • Integrate and reward modder with money/merch

FS finally added something as simple as white dot sight. Nothing ground breaking, one less mod required to keep to update now.

  • Numeric UI
  • Truelevel
  • Stims Pickup larger icons

Very common mods. Just order by most endorsement and know which ones to look at.

  • Instead of inventory UI. They decide to focus on Penance UI for months. Yet the inventory UI is actually utilised alot more. Wrong direction here.

  • Lets look at Microsoft Outlook as example and translate the possibility here in terms of adding filters, batch selection, tick selection etc.

  • Even better in current system. Should just let people set spend limit on dockets and plasteel, choose preferred weapon, attributes, perks and blessings then fire off automation so can go watch Netflix instead.

  • The fact that your trash weapons is now potential salvage in next update in a few months…You’re going to be spending couple of hours salvaging 500 weapons. One by one.


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