0% Damage
The fact that can even happen is awful. The fact that Fatshark still wants to retain some RNG in weapon stats for their crafting rework is even worse.
0% Damage
The fact that can even happen is awful. The fact that Fatshark still wants to retain some RNG in weapon stats for their crafting rework is even worse.
I’m appalled that they wouldn’t just bump the stat minimums up. It’s random enough with multiple stat bars.
Then you could have, say, 380 stat points allocated to 5 stats on a scale of 0-100% — now that’s really crazy talk!
I think they’ve changed something.
I often got a lot of crpa in the Armoury store, but generally anything over 350/360 was at least fairly balanced in terms of stats. The lower end tended to have a dump stat but roughly aligned, the higher ends obviously nothing lower than 60.
I’ve not seen things like this before I don’t think, and I’ve been shopping for a long time ™
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