Excoriator removes facial hair and hair!

I have paid money for cosmetics two times in my life. First I bought a helmet in Vermintide 2. Now I bought the Excoriator hood. What I didn’t know was that it removes all hair except eyebrows. I can live with the hair, but not my glorious mustache!
It’s rather disappointing when you for once pay extra money, besides the game, for something and it feels cheap like this. Are this being addressed?

Regards David

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I agree with your sentiment, and while Catfish did say this:

In the short term there is a mod I use that allows you to preview cosmetics in the store on your character. This is good because I almost got the Recusant’s Cage, but with the mod I saw it removed all my facial hair (including eye brows which is very funny) and didn’t get it. I’m on mobile rn but when I get to my computer I can link the mod if you want it.

Well, it’s too late now. But thanks anyway.

They don’t show you what the cosmetic looks like on purpose for exactly this reason btw.

Probably wouldn’t have bought it if you saw how it interacted with your character. So that’s been obfuscated to get as many sales as possible.

Dragomusic is right, there is a mod that lets you preview things properly so you can make a properly informed decision - Preview Cosmetics at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)