Error Code 2004

Issue Type (Required):

Error - (Other)

Issue Description (Required):

Every time I finish a mission I get kicked out of the game and end up where you can choose the character you want to play. Error message: disconnected 2004"

This happens after every mission has been completed.

Platform: Linux (Steam)

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

Admittedly it’s a shot in the dark, as Error Code: 2004 appears to be a more uncommon disconnect error than others, but solutions in this article could possibly be of help:

I appreciate it’s a differrent error code, but I’m hoping solutions may still apply!

Also, I noticed that you’re running on Linux. Unfortunately, Linux isn’t officially supported - so please excuse the Windows PC steps. Hopefully the general gist is translatable.

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Thanks for your answer

it looks like the problem has been solved

After I tested my PC at home, the error no longer happened. Either it was due to your servers or my friend’s internet connection.

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Glad to hear that! :slight_smile:

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I’m having the same problem, except it’s not after each completed mission. It never gets into the game. I’m basically locked out of the game. I tried restarting my router, restarting my computer, and changes to various video settings that were suggested on Reddit. It’s been 7 days now.

Please disregard my post. While Warhammer 40k was the only came that flat-out would not work, I was noticing my internet speed was lower than average on the upload speed (download averaged 800 but upload was in single digits). Additionally, I noticed other games had a little more delay than usual across the board, like how when you drive a car all of the time you’ll sense that something is off by intermittent sounds or other irregularities. My friends suggested my modem (I’m doing ethernet without a router) so I did some troubleshooting with Comcast. Then I noticed the lights on ethernet port were orange and yellow. So I looked that up and found that in the Killer network card Reddit from 3 years ago people were finding similar issues and uninstalling the Killer Intelligence Suite was the fix (ostensibly from Intel acquiring Killer). Sure enough, once I uninstalled that upload speed across several test sites was in the double to triple digits and Warhammer 40k launched without fail. I thought you might like to know in case others have this issue.