What the title says. While making the thread I got results from another thread in the VT2 section
but it seems like this also exists in Darktide. For example enemy will clip in your character and attack you at the same time. It is like being hit by air since you can’t see the enemy.
This is very common for Ogryns. Some enemy gets thrown around into you, or ice-skate their way into your model and end up so far up your butt that you can’t hit them when you swing your weapon.
If you push them while they’re inside you, they’ll pop up seemingly from nowhere.
Yeah, we need atleast a bigger area around the players. I can understand to minimize becoming a large target. That or ensuring blocking worls correctly. Yet ive had a number of weapons not hit enemies that are too close.
The puragtus is the easiest so see this with when you do the primary attack. There are enemies that simply get too close. Also seen in the training grounds with unyielding and secondary missing stacks to being too close.
I would say the biggest problem is small rooms becoming much larger problems than they appear.
Sometimes you will glance in, see one bulwark and go “ok that’s manageable” only for 2 bulwarks, 2 ragers, and somehow a crusher to pop out with no room to move.
I’ve also noticed that enemies will still pop out of health stations like the world’s worst bonus prize for having the audacity to want to heal.
Tell the truth the big thing that makes me swear like a sailor is the fact that the sniper can shoot through larger enemies like bulwarks or crushers and yet we can’t shoot through our Ogryns. I can understand weaving a shot through a horde but god dam it there is no way you can pin point a shot through 2 barrels, a horde, and a walking piece of cover from across the long bridge.
Very good points, 100% agree. The popping up is a big letdown because there are doors and barricades where enemies are supposed to come from. Yet sometimes they will just spawn out of thin air.
Extremely annoying enemies going through you to aggro on some teammate behind you and you find yourself compleatly surrounded, enemy should not be able to go through players.
Collision issues have been acknowledged as a bug…but then who knows if this ever gets fixed.
In general there should be a small area of “personal space” around players, no enemies should be able to enter. Point of view issues in fps games with melee aspects would improve straight away thanks to that change.
The issue is enemies not even remotely matching their movement animation wise, especially with things like overheads where they just casually slide along. It gets linked a LOT but that really sums up a ton of the issues with it. It’s one thing if you mistime a dodge, it’s another when they straight up magnetize to you. It’s happened since VT2 and it’s really silly. Forcing myself to relearn that chaos warriors will slide 10 feet forward during their overhead smash despite barely moving their feet is obnoxious since I went back to it.
There are some static (as opposed to patrolling) ambient spawn points where every enemy in a patrol can spawn on top of each other, so you see only one ogryn, and when you aggro it, it turns out there were 3 ogryns, 4 maulers, and 4 ragers suddenly running at you
lets just imagine for a second that they matched the feet animations with the movement they make when they do overhead swings. would that be enough to make you stop complaining about this easy to avoid mechanic or would you prefer it was nerfed to the ground and a simple back dodge was enough to avoid any overhead swing rather then a timed side dodge.
Well first off you’re immediately being condescending as a crap (And making it sound like I’m throwing some huge repeated stink about it), so kindly cut that, thanks. I said nothing about not being able to avoid it personally, nor did I say anything in particular should be nerfed in particular.
That said I do think it’s poorly implemented, regardless of balance. The enemies can actively ignore their normal movement speed (See again: The above clip where they zip to the side far faster than they normally would move), the animations don’t sync, it only happens due to the hidden lock in/slots mechanic (Not due to ‘enemies moving while attacking’ like you imply, otherwise players would be able to just charge a heavy and stick to a bosses back even if they spin by that logic), and it’s just simply unintuitive. Making the enemies’ movement animations match would certainly help, and allowing some movement is reasonable, but having enemies able to zoom across the map just because enemy spotted, planting bomb sword is… awkward at best.
If the balance relies on cheesy mechanics like that the solution isn’t to just Looney Tunes up their legs even though they’re doing a slow overhead swing, it’s to give them additional moves such as the running stab Skaven will do in VT if you try to play keep away with them. And/or adjust the speed of attacks.
The sake of combat balance should and currently does trump all other aspects. Any attempt to change or tone down the current ability of overhead swings to reach players at greater then normal speeds would trivialize mauler and crusher mechanics to an unfun degree. Playing vermintide would and should give anyone a greater advantage against it because it feels exactly the same and the dodge timing hasnt changed nor should it. Everyone agrees the greatest strength of darktide is its core combat and no aspect of it should be changed.
That’s a hilariously dramatic simplification of it. Ice skating enemies has been a criticism of the combat since its inception. Praising the overall core combat doesn’t mean literally none of it needs any changes.
Crushers and maulers are already horribly trivialized in Darktide, on that note. I agree that balance takes precedence, but in this particular case it’s not an issue of balance in the first place. Much like you should fix bugs before you focus on balance, you should fix wonky/cheesy/screwy/buggy/whateveryouwanttocallit mechanics before focusing on balance. It’s even an issue they tried (and failed) to address before, also with VT2.
This is also super punsihing when trying to fight blobs of crushers and bulwarks and ragers in melee.
The bulwark shield ends up being inside everyone and will tend to protect everyone, even worse if there’s two bulwarks standing half inside one another. You can visually have a clean shot on one target only to see the other ogryn, who’s shield is nowhere near your target recoil from the blow.