Enemies ignoring stealth again since last patch

Issue Summary: Title. It’s not that enemies ignore stealth, but since the last patch, especially bosses and elites take a considerable amount of time to “notice” stealth abilities, Lords even more so. Bumblebee Hailstorm completely ignores stealth when casting his plague ghosts.

Steps to Reproduce:

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Rare (< 10%)
Unusual (< 25%)
Common (< 50%)
Often (< 75%)
Constant (100%)

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Some enemies are bugging out when people stealth too. They just stand still if someone uses a stealth ability.

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Can be noticed quite well on blightstorms. They chase you, you stealth, and they keep chasing your for a good 3 to 4 seconds until they realize you are stealthed, and then sometimes instead of chasing another player, they just sit there until they fade out.

Firstly, my apologies for the delay in acknowledging this issue. I’ve raised this internally but if by chance you ever manage to catch a recording of this occurring, please send it my way. :slight_smile:

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