It would be really cool at the end of a match if there was some feedback for how well you performed, your AOE dps, single target DPS, items marked, revives, etc. This would make the end of match screen so much more rewarding. Not sure if this has been posted before but just want to give some feedback to devs.
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It´s been posted tons of times, and most people agree with you, myself included. Its atrocious that a co-op game doesn’t have a scoreboard. But they said they are “working on it”, which translate to “we don’t agree with you and kinda don’t want to bother with it, but since you guys don’t shut up about it, we will probably work something out in the somewhat near future.”
Anyway, all that just to say they are aware. When they gonna implement it? Your guess is as good as mine. Right now, it’s killing the game for me, along with a list of things.
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