Instead of displaying a bunch of stats, boil them down into ‘Commendations’. If conditions are met, you get a shiny star, some extra XP and bonus resources. In game lore wise, it’s the inquisitor hearing how good we did and giving us a little extra koodoos. There would be 2 types of Commendations, Personal and Team. Personal commendations are based off of stats and actions for the player (duh) and Team are based on the team as a whole’s performance (also duh).
Now I hear you: We don’t want a score board that’s 20 miles long, and players are just going to chase these like the green circles. Yes, but this can be discouraged.
I envision having a ton of commendation types, 30+ 50+, idk but more than you would ever want to display. Rather than having them all available per mission, only a small subset would actually be active and these would be hidden from the player. This means that a players can’t easily target the commendations because there’s a low % chance it will actually be award-able in a mission. They would feel like bonuses that just sorta happen.
Team Commendations Examples: Resourceful – pick up more than X pickups in a mission. Ogryn Smasher – kill a Plague Ogryn in under X seconds. Frugal – use less than X ammo on a mission. Never Give Up – Have more than X downs in a mission but still succeed. Etc. There are tons of possible Team Commendations.
Personal Commendations Examples: Deadeye – have an accuracy over X%. Head Popper – get more than X head pops. Clutch Recovery – Be the last player standing and get all players back up during an event. 2 Inches – Spend more than X% in coherency. Etc. Again, tons of possibilities. Each class could have some unique to them too.
From a mechanical stand point, it seems kinda weird, but from a game play stand point I think it’s really adds something. You get the call outs for doing things well, but you can’t farm it. If you don’t earn one, you don’t get called out for it.
TLDR: At the start of the mission, X Team Commendations, and Y Personal Commendations (per player) are randomly chosen and hidden from the players. Stats are tracked for each and at the end of the map if any are met they are awarded and shown. Awards include small amounts of XP, money and crafting resources. X and Y would need to be tweaked over time to figure out a good number so most missions get a handful awarded.