Suggestion: Post-game commendation

Some kind of commend system in the post-game screen would be nice. It gives incentive for people to play nice and gives the opportunity for us to show our appreciation for those genuinely good teammates you get.

A way to track the number of commends you get / display it somehow would be another huge bonus, as a more “public” way to show it makes them even more desirable, and thus more likely to have people focus on teamplay / do their best to earn a commend from their peers.

Perhaps even tying in some gimmicky cosmetic for reaching x commends – a frame or ribbon (the latter of which there aren’t many, could be a good place for it).



I SUPER agree with this. Commendation features make people think more about what teammates did good, rather than fixating on the screw ups. I remember the before and after of a commendation system being introduced into League of Legends and it was a noticeable improvement to the community. It’s all round just a feels good system.


Would also be a good way to reward player with fun banter/roleplay that help make the game more fun.


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