End of Map Commendations -- Different take on the score board

I’m sure there is some people being verbally jerky about the score board results. I’ve seen it, but it was really rare from my experience. I could see it causing new players to quit if they got it at the wrong time. I never felt it was worse than any other PVP game. I think a lot of the misconception is from strawman-circlejerk a few weeks ago about it. It was framed as verbal/text abuse at the end of the match due to green circles, and immediately countered with just ignore/block/etc. Simple solution to what is only a small part of the larger issue.

I appreciate the cordial chat. You get the Cordial Commendations, and a Private Score board!


I like the idea of the OP. Having a bunch of random unknown, goals or “merits” that may or may not be awarded at the end of the game would spice up the end of match scoreboard and might (possibly) promote better gameplay (personal improvement). Especially since players wouldn’t know which random merits we’re selected for that match, there would be no way to specifically grind for them unless they fit your play style, and you just naturally did them.

If you could see these merits in your profile for total merits achieved, that could also promote challenge to improve, or even brag rights. For example, seeing you have 50x accuracy merit for having 75% or higher accuracy in a match. Or 20x shield wall achievements for blocking x% of total damage in a match. That would, to me, tell me my accuracy is pretty good, but could use improvement, perhaps by trying a new gun. Or that I am pretty good at tanking, but could do better.

Again, being random and not always present would mean it’s not a definite metric to measure with, but would be something to strive for.

I also like the idea of player commendations. A way to avoid the EXP exploit of everyone piling commendations on a single person would be to limit it by squad. As in players in a premade group cannot commendate others in the squad. I’ve seen other games implement this in exactly that way, where commendations give a small bonus EXP, but squadmates cannot commendate each other.

It could be argued that having a squad of 3 commendate a random, or try sync dropping into a match could exploit the system. To the random who receives a full squad’s commendations, I’d say they did well enough to earn their respect. To the sync drop issue (to try to pair up with a premade squad while not in a squad), I’d say good luck. Chances are just as good that the squad gets placed in separate matches with randoms.

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You have put something worth developing on the table, and you have listened and crafted a good response

There is plenty of research that concludes that more infrequent and harder to predict rewards will capture our attention more than the same one over and over. For the score screen this likely means it will be tuned out by many and become a hyper-focus for a few.

First, you need to know that rational scoreboard chat is scarce., related to the factors I just mentioned. There is a values clash with very little intersection. The internet’s forte isn’t exactly listening to different views. Folks that love the scoreboard generally describe it as a dopamine hit based on validation of their individual performance. Folks who don’t like the scoreboard focus on subtle anti-team behaviour in missions (like running ahead, shooting enemies when it might have been better to let another team member get a kill, aggro-ing a patrol unnecessarily, etc), and they assume incentives matter and will drive the behaviour that decreases their enjoyment.

It is groups of folks that have fun in different ways that on surface are in conflict with each other.

Quick aside - I’m boiling this down a bit, there are other views, but they generally aren’t as persuasive. Some folks say the scoreboard is vital statistical evidence, (which they may believe), but this is both bad in terms of using stats, and it almost always inferior in every way to using the data mining that top V2 writers use or using mods or even the test dummies in the keep.

So *tldr - your idea is a good one that is worth developing more. This is a topic that is overly worn, and in need of good ideas, but the discussion always descends into the same three talking points rushing past each other without reading posts. *

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